You know when you're reading blogs and people post gorgeous shots of their workroom, with gorgeous lighting, storage galore and a place for everything?
I don't know about you but it makes me feel quite jealous/envious.
Hopefully this shot will make you feel better about your own work area ::
LOL !!!
I think I have managed to cover every surface of the lounge today ! I abandoned my trusty tray in favour of the pasting table, much more room on there for fabric cutting :-) Hopefully I'll be done cutting today so I can put it all away again !!!
Yesterday I mentioned that we decorated some cakes and now I have a picture to show you...

smiley face cakes
phew, those cakes are better than the last picture - they were far too professional!!!
Your sitting room looks like my whole house today, I'm not even that busy!!! lol!
SNAP,I have a work area just like that,in fact I spread out into the dining room too!My hubby always seems to be asking "Are you putting the ironing board away now?"
i'm another one who won't ever be blogging pictures of my house, it is a 'work in progress'!, and a bit of a mess as we've run out of money. we're still mostly living with the previous owners decor and dirt!
I have to clear my craft stuff off the dining room table before we can eat! *blush*
So good to see a work area that looks like mine. My sofa is currently covered in Christmas decorations cut out and ready to be sewn!
I usually take over the dining table; and the other day I was so caught up in making decorations that I made the girls have their dinner on the floor rather than clear it off - what's not to love about a carpet picnic?!
So I think an entire pasting table is nothing short of luxury ;-)
WOW- Your work station looks just like mine!!!
hehe - mine is just like that too - I usually use the kitchen and manage to cover all the surfaces too. I would love a craft room but i can't see that ever happening!
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