We chatted, drank wine, ate lovely food, went for a stroll to feed the ducks, played games with Holly, remembered Grandad, chatted some more then came home!

brooch :: little paper-and-string owl :: lavender bags :: TORTOISE
I'm not back at work until Wednesday (hooray!) and plan to spend today doing all the things I put off over Christmas, boring things like buying car tax and going to the bank and paying the bills and then i shall be sewing :-)
felt conker :: decorations
John and I are meeting a few friends in our local pub this evening for a few drinks to see in the New Year. I don't normally overly enjoy New Year's celebrations, I'm not sure why, last year we both stayed home and went to sleep !!
brooch :: gorgeous mushrooms :: princess magnets
Happy New Year everybody.
happy cooking pot :: felt food :: happy cake plate
*photos are some of the gifts I gave, some are linked to the etsy shops I bought them from, some were made by me.
I didn't have a completely handmade Christmas but the handmade gifts I gave were well received and I'm sure that everyone appreciated how much thought and love goes into every creation, weather it were made by me or another craftster.