Thursday, August 14, 2008


I just realised I never shared what I bought from here.
So let me show you ::

that's my new tote bag for carrying parcels to the post office....
look what it says ::
and I bought a new note book ::
AND a little glass :-)
I love it because it has a donkey on it :-)
now go shopping, you know you want to !


Anonymous said...

love the note book its fab .

Anonymous said...

I just love the bag and the glass - both are super cute.

Unknown said...

want em want em want em....and by the way, I noticed no weirdness last night when I went shopping. But maybe that was because I was too excited by buttons?

Anonymous said...


Ali said...

I never look at that website until my credit card is out of the room. Dangerous (but good).

Anonymous said...

oooo! pretty things! I'm going to buy some glasses when it's pay day!!!! I like your 'taking parcels to the PO bag'! x

Bagladee said...

Oh look whats happened now!!! I clicked that little link, and it took me to a wonderful world where you can buy all sorts of cute little goodies. Before long there were items in my shopping basket and it was asking me for my paypal password.....obviously obliged and now I have too purchased!!! :) xx

Anonymous said...

hi Sarah, those glasses are so cute!!!
once again thank you for my order, your shop is my fav as you've noticed and i have to pay it a weekly visit, dangerous thing that paypal !
the buttons are gorgeous, im attemping to make a felt dog, not sure how it will turn out, need to invest in a sewing machine me think !
much love emma xxx

Rachel said...

Oh my goodness. That store is so cute! Thanks for the post!

Lucykate Crafts... said...

oh my, i love that link! : )

Swirlyarts said...

Eeeeeek! More places for me to spend money!!