Thursday, August 07, 2008

freebie flowery fun!


yesterday I spent the entire day sewing, and one of the things I sewed was this months freebie prize :-) A whole pile of felt and fabric flowers!

So one reader shall win ::
a set of bright summery flowers :: there are 16 in all (5 large, 11 medium)
If you would like the chance to win then all you need do is leave a comment on this post and after the weekend I shall pick the winner with a random number generator gizmo....Good Luck!


ps said...

I love daisies, I wish I win some....

Rachel said...

Oh you busy bee! They all look fab, as always! :)

Beth said...

so cute. and beautiful colors!

Sonya said...

WOW those are so bright and beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog, always try to catch up on your flickr, your so talented

Jenny said...

They are so lovely and colourful, just what's needed with all this rain!

Nanna said...

Pretty flowers! Hope I am picked!

emma said...

What pretty flowers ^_^

Twiggy said...

ooo they are lovely !
Twiggy x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah,
I'm in!
And I love, love the apples and pears.
Greetings, Ria

Lindsey said...

Yay! A ray of sunshine in all this yucky rain. I love 'em.
(PS IF I win - big if - I'm away 'til next weekend, so if I don't say thank you that's why :o) )

Anonymous said...

They are lovely and colourful, just the thing to brighten these grey days! : )

Vickie said...

I love the flowers! They are great like everything else! I really like your owl kits!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow- those flowers are gorgeous! I love the colours :-)

Anonymous said...

Those felt flowers are gorgeous, and just what I need to brighten up the knitted patchwork blanket I'm making.

Anonymous said...

love the fabric's they are just so fab!!!!
cant wait for the buttons aswell!
the kids would love them
many thanks jade diable xx x x x x

Lucykate Crafts... said...

the look so yummy, all those juicy colours : )

Rebecca said...

How scrummy! :-)
pick me pick me! Like a fabric flower tee hee!
(I made a poem) :-) x

ConnieC said...

Very cute flowers.

Shelley said...

Ooh Sarah you made them for me, you really shouldn't have lol!!!
Shelley xxx

French Knots said...

Oh pretty, pretty flowers!!

Anonymous said...

oooo! pretty! pick me! go on! How's the robots coming along? :)


Linda said...

Very pretty! I'd love to win some. Thanks for the giveaway!

jojoebi-designs said...

lovely, lovely flowers.
I am sending out pick me vibes to the RNG right now....

greetingarts said...

Gorgeous, as always. If I was your neighbor, I'd volunteer to be your unpaid assistant, just so I could touch and play with all that lovely felt. Keep up the great stitching!

Michaele Sommerville said...

Our extended summer heat is awful- and your summer flowers are BEAUTIFUL! Count me in, please!


Anonymous said...

very fun flowers!

Katie Davis said...

Too cute!

Angela said...

they´re sooo cute!!

Anonymous said...

Those flowers are sure purty... I hope I win some.
BTW I'm fairly new to your blog... but lo-oving it.

Anonymous said...

Oooh, I'm Lovin' the felty-flowery goodness here. Very lovely! Hope I win! --Leiza

Jenaveve said...

Oooh, they're preeeetty! Please count me in.

I'm totally smitten with cecil jnr down there on your homepage!

Neus said...

So beautiful.... This would look great in my daughters room..., no, on my handbag, no.... I hope I win ;)

Lazylol said...

I love them! Include me please!

Anonymous said...

they are great, count me in - i need some cheering up,

Anonymous said...

Your flowers are lovely. Bright and beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I was gonna post then I got distracted by the hedgehog lol.

Anyway, count me in for a purty flower please!

Bagladee said...

Gorgeous as always!! I'll email you soon.xx

Suzie Sews At DOTTY RED said...

The Queen of just keep giving:-)

Lil Ol Me said...

These look so yummy...I could eat them?????

Alice Regan said...

You've been quite busy, I would say! I adore the flowers ...they are just tooooooo cute!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Sarah, they look gorgeous. ONe month I will remember to write it on my calendar!!

Anonymous said...

Ooh I loooove felt! And flowers! Pick me pick me!

Tinkerbelle said...

you busy busy bee, I hope I am lucky lucky me, came to visit and to see what goodies you made ohhh whoopie, love the flowers colour and style, come to my home and I will look after you with my gnome (sorry about the last bit could not think of anything to ryhme had a long week) xxxx

Farmer Di said...

What cute flowers ~ I'd love to win these!!! I just happened to your site looking for a tutorial on a zippered purse ~ thank you for that too!
Hugs Diana aka farmer di

Mon Petit Lapin said...

In the UK it feels like summer's nearly over :( these would brighten me up no end! They're lovely, as is the new stock in your etsy shop :)

Andrea said...

Love the flowers, just what we need after all the rain!!
Andrea x

Cowboys and Custard Mercantile said...

Lovely to see something summery... it is so wet and miserable today..
At least the slugs won't get their teeth (?) into these!


P.s Would love to see your beautiful crafts at the Vintage & Handmade Fair.. please contact if you are interested.

Things Hand Made said...

I love your owls! and daisys!

Peechy said...

oooo freebies:o)

love your blog and all your felt goodies.... the new Christmas bits are supayum!

Anonymous said...

I love freebies! Cant wait to try making some owls when I get my issue of craft!

Anonymous said...

hi, will you be having this gorgeous patterned felt in your shop ?
i want some, no i NEED some ! its so cute, i'm addicted to your blog i carnt get enough of it, you've inspired me so much, i even tok my felt away with me on holiday ! how sad is that i hear you say
i would love to have the chance of winning your beautiful flowers
thank you for sharing with us,
much love and kisses

FeltFinland said...

Very pretty!

Aglaya said...

I love these flowers! Oh can I join please? I've never won anything, I'm just out of luck. I guess these random number generators don't like me :)

Littlelou said...

Am I too late? found your blog whilst browsing and love those felt flowers. Just the thing to raise a smile on a rainy day (so many of those here in Scotland right now!) Nice work.
Lou xx

Kristen said...

how lovely & quite inspiring!

Carolyn said...

oooo ooo! count me in!!!!

mollycupcakes said...

OOw freebies that will cheer me up.
Catherine x

J Kathryn Photography said...

freebies are always exciting!!