Friday, March 29, 2013

Freebie Day :: Part One

 I've been sorting out my button stock.
All of the buttons I sell by weight are now stored in Sweetie Jars - and don't they look FAB?
They are also very practical and super tidy - but did I also mention that they look FAB?
The new storage also comes hand in hand with new prices - oh yes I have buttony bargains galore!
Colour mixes are now only £1.25 for 50g (or £2 for 100g)
Shaped mixes are now only £2.00 for 50g (or £3.50 for 100g)
You can see all the buttons on my website by clicking here and here
But Wait, don't go yet - look at this Jar ::
This Jar is today's Freebie prize!  Oh yes, I couldn't keep all this buttony-amazingness to myself now could I?
 If you would like to win your very own Button Filled Sweetie Jar then look closely at these photos ::
 ...and get your weight guessing head on...
...because the person who guesses how much this Sweetie Jar and all the buttons weighs will win it!
 I've added a few items for a sense of scale
 and nearly broke my arm holding it up like this for the photo! (that's a clue)
I tried to get a photo of me and the jar so you could see how large it is, but the self timer on my camera & I didn't quite nail it:
Here are the rules:
To enter just leave a comment on this blog post with your guess at how much the jar and all the buttons weighs (the jar is plastic by the way)
Your guess must be in whole grams
You can have one guess, and one guess only
If more than one person guesses the exact weight the person who commented first will win
If no one guesses the exact weight the next nearest guess will win
If by some crazy chance there is a tie I will split the prize equally (I have more jars, you wouldn't get half a jar!)
I will post this prize anywhere in the world  
all guesses must be entered by the end of Wednesday 3rd April
The Jar & Buttons will be weighed and the winner will be announced on Thursday 4th April


Pene said...

Oh gosh what an amazing freebie!! Buttons are my weakness and I would love to win so I'm guessing 3.89kg!!Happy easter

Sue said...

Pooh, what a gorgeous prize! My guess is1.62kg. Fingers crossed! Have a lovely Easter weekend.
Sue x

Sue said...

Yikes! My typing is rubbish! I meant to say "ooh" NOT "pooh". How to embarrass yourself! My husband and son are rolling about laughing at the look of horror on my face when I realised what I'd done! Xx
Sue xx

Humaira Crib Mama @ HCM said... guess is 17 jars and each weighs 1550 grams

Юлия said...

Hello! I think 1870 grams!

Tomas said...

Well I just ordered about 5kg of buttons from you, but will take a guess on this too!
I guess 2000g
T_poortman at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I would guess at 3.15kg! But these games aren't my strong point!! staceycatlin(at)hotmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

Lovely buttons . . . I would get 1655g ... Linzi xx

Estelle Grace Tudor said...

Fab prize - I think 1750 grams.

Thanks, Estelle xx

Anonymous said...

A great prize! My class at school would love to have these appear. I am guessing 2670g and keeping my fingers crossed.
paula (underscore) allard at hotmail dot com

A great Easter prize!

Sucrette said...

I would say : 1420g :) fingers ans toes crossed :)

Sam said...


I would like to guess 1878g.

Giorgia Rossini said...

I think 2kg183gr
thank you!!
joyblonde at

m hoch drei said...

Ohhh... Maybe 4170gr ?

Cristina Salgueiro said...

I think 1983gr
Thank you for the give away :)

Sweetcrafts said...

Wow!A button paradise!!! Hhmmmm...i think it's 750gr.

Maria - A Playful Stitch said...

Wow - what a prize!! I am rubbish at this sort of thing, but I'm going to guess 2200g.
Fingers crossed, and thanks for the chance!
Maria x

The Hardy Stamper said...

What a great game! My guess is 3056g.


sewmbie said...

Wow! What a glorious prize!

I guess 3.213 kilogrammes! elisehattersley (at) gmail (dot) com.

Gill said...

I'm going to guess 1.3 kg

Anne-Marie said...

Love the mix of colours! I still use "old money" so not very good with metric weights, but I'll chance 3.74 kg....thanks for the chance!

Amy said...

I love this type of a giveaway! My guess is 2501 grams.

Little Dotty Bird said...

I love it! I'll go for 2317g completely random but fingers crossed!

Unknown said...

I love the sweetie jars! My guess is 5385g. Thanks for the chance

Moni said...

Waw fab freebie, love to win it. So my guess is 2500g. Happy Easter. Hugs,moni

crafty....du said...

Fun candy :) my guess is 1656 grams

Happy Easter


Anonymous said...

2000 grams :)
happy Easter Sarah!


Anonymous said...

2000 grams :)
happy Easter Sarah!


Ikasaharman said...

i love your job :D

Ann said...

2542g is my guess.

JessE said...

1400g, amazing giveaway!

Rosmayati said...

my guess is 4150 grams. :)

Elvira Ega said...

It must be 2500g
*cross finger


Unknown said...

I think they're 5 kilos = 5000 gr :)
Happy easter!!!

Anonymous said...

My sister and I think that it should be 3 pounds so... 1360 grams.


Wise Owl said...

I'm guessing 4.160 grams

(not good at this, Sarah :P )

Noemi said...

These buttons... I think there are 1850gr. Good luck to everyone!

Teasel said...

Wow! I guess 2.154kg.

Anonymous said...

Wow. New to this blog! I'd say 2245g.

Emilie's Craft's said...

What a lovely jar of buttons, I am thinking 1824g

Emily x x

Mirjam said...

It looks cute, all those jars of buttons. I have fallen in love with the jar so I try to guess, but I'm not that good at it.
I think it's 2733 grams

craftymummy said...

Oh, I'm so rubbish at things like this - I'm guessing 4376g

Unknown said...

I'm guessing 2293g

Os Pitinhos said...

My guess is 3853g

Fingers crossed.
Happy easter Sarah


My life with MND said...

I am totally naff at guessing the weight but my totally random guess is 2963g!

:o) Great comp, btw

Cathe e Gi do said...

I´m guessing
Happy Easter!

Manu said...

Wow Sarah!!! Beautiful freebie!!!
My guess is 1973 g. my birth's year!! ;)
I cross my fingers!!!

Happy Easter Sarah!!!

A big hug

Anonymous said...

oh blimey - numbers! will try 3141g thanks. nice to see some pics of you too!!Juliexoxo

Awok's Kiter Craft (Awin) said...

i won't missed this oppurtunity to win...
i'm guessing 1650g



Glenys said...

Maybe 2679 grams?

Emma, Sweet Williams said...

What a fantastic prize!
My guess is 1850g.
Emma xx

monica said...

io dico 780gr...buona pasqua

Yorkshire Quilter said...

Oh my goodness, what gorgeous jar!
My guess is 2.255kg

Anonymous said...

Great freebie, as usual. I would guess 2590g.
Kim (

Deanne said...

oooh guessing away i will say 2220g :) x

Света Архипова said...

Попробую угадать-1989)))

Jules said...

A girl can't have too many buttons can she?

Anne said...

its just like a candy store!

I guess 1260gram.

With love Anne

Made By Ewe said...

must be heavt

Юлика said...

hm, I think 1230 gram :)

Anonymous said...

Not going to enter as I wouldn't have a clue. Just want to see its lovely to put a face to the name Sarah. Nice to see photos of you on. Your website and blog are fabulous. Well done Sarah.
Christine Northern Ireland

Unknown said...

I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess a quite heavy 4500 grams.

Louise said...

I'm usually awful at this lol... but here goes... 2495g

Anonymous said...

What a super prize - I am guessing 1952g. AnnieS.

Sonieta said...

ok.... Let me think...

Unknown said...

My guess is 3204 grams x

Catherine Chronopoulou said...

How about 1865gr ??

Karen said...

My guess is 1,227grams. Thanks for a fun give away!

princess said...

I think 1500 grams!

Stripes and Stars said...

2251g. A total random guess. Happy Easter

Bagladee said...

My guess is 1986g Happy Easter Sarah :) xx

Vivika said...

2235gr!!! That's my guess!

Hannah said...

No idea!... Maybe 1634g?

Anonymous said...

That's really hard! My guess is 2.35kg!

dianne said...

wow what a lovely prize! It would be great for me to share with my friends at the charity Emmaus, where we make craft items for them to sell.

dianne said...

How silly (see last comment) I forgot to leave my guess!!! Here it is 2350g

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm guessing 2180g :) miitukka at hotmail dot com

Лилия said...

Я и сюда хочу!!!

Unknown said...


Sathya said...

Around 3.5 kg...Love to win this giveaway...Thanks for chance

Roberta said...

I'll stick my finger in the air & guess 2.86 kg

* Marinda * said...

5.6 kg


knutselmar @ zeelandnet . nl

Cik Puan Nurul said...

my guess is 1250gm

Lou said...

i'm going to guess, after imaginary holding and shaking a large sweetie Jar....4301grams. thanks for a chance to win such a super prize

LittleSunday said...

I guess... 1300gr? Thank you for the chance!!!

Anonymous said...

I guess... 1981grames.
a kiss


dMasyri said...

i guess...1850g


Anonymous said...

My guess will be 2035grammes.

Jennifer Chai

araleling said...

I'm guessing 1266gram


Hani Akhmad said...

I'm guessing 12459gram!!

Em said...

Hi I think 1444grams x x

by Elena Seregina said...

I think 1600 gramm!

Kasia z Różności said...

Hi! I think 1999 g :)

Pickle Lily said...

Ohh, I wish I did this one earlie as I've tried to remember the other guesses, so I do something different! I'm going for 2013g!! Jo x

KarenB said...

My guess 2678g.

Julia said...

Wow, what a fab prize! My guess is 3872g, but I'm sure it is way out! Thanks for the chance of winning xx

Clau said...

Yaaay :) I see color bubbles everywhere!! My guess is 1110gr. Kisses from Lisboa

*** :)

chrissie said...

Havent got a clue really but will go for 1978g! said...

I try with 1979 gr

angiec said...

wow that is a lot of pretty guess is 3012gr probably way way off lol

Fa'izah [eqin] said...

1763 grams perhaps? ;) it sure seems heavy though...

marta said...

it's not easy..hope it will be 2258 grams. happy easter. marta

Anonymous said...

Great prize, but I'm rubbish at guessing weights...I'll try 2967g


Samantha Choquette said...

I have no idea, so i'm guessing 2270 grams. You can never have too many buttons!!!!


Ivy said...

Our youngest daughter's birthday leads me to a guess of 1811 grams...