I've got a couple of days off the day job and today I sewed and sewed and I made bread!
I have never made bread before but found it very satisfying (and yummy!)
...finally it was ready for the oven ::
...and yes! it tastes amazing :-)
if you fancy having a go I used this recipe
now....down to business...I deleted all the repeated comments and the final number of entrees received was 76....so, to the random number machine ::

which has picked comment numbers :: 20, 31 and 62
which means the winners are ::
shell said...
I'm a list person too, normally leave the shopping lists at home but at least I write one ;-). Great looking books.x
I'm a list person too, normally leave the shopping lists at home but at least I write one ;-). Great looking books.x
Jan said...
What gorgeous notebooks - any of them would look lovely on my desk.... Here's hoping!
What gorgeous notebooks - any of them would look lovely on my desk.... Here's hoping!
well done to the winners....freebie day'll be back next month as usual on the first Thursday of the month.
(scream) I won, I won.......you've made my day. Thank you so much. xxxxxxxxxx
That bread looks divine. Thanks for the recipe - I'm going to have a go.
Cathy X
Wow, that bread looks amazing! Thanks for the recipe link! :)
Bread looks yummy. I think I'll give that a go.
Well done to the winners!
Isn't homemade bread the best, we have our breadmaker on all the time! Well done the winners.
Twiggy x
Congratulations winners!
Your bread does look very tasty! xx
OH my goodness - how wonderful does that bread look? Thanks for the link - I've bookmarked! x
woow!!! you made bread!!??!!! and it looks so yummy!!!!!! you're a woman of many talents :)
Wow, really chuffed! never won anything before! :))
thank-you so much xxxxxx
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