Thursday, March 05, 2009

march freebie day

I'm posting a little bit later than normal...sorry about that!

I don't know if it's the time of year but I keep writing loads of lists at the moment...loads of ideas are floating round in my head and inspiration keeps coming so I thought, maybe it's not just me?

Hopefully you'll all be list maniacs too because this month the freebie is felt covered notebooks...there will be three winners, drawn at random from the comments left on this always the only rule is that you must be contactable via your comment please.
The notebooks are all A6. One is mint, one turquoise and one teal. If you have a preference then leave it in your comment and I'll see what I can do :-)
I'll draw the winners on Monday so there's plenty of time to comment.


Ness Rose said...

These notebooks are insanely sweet! Love the teal felt especially. :)

Brittany said...

How fun! Am I the first to comment? I love them all, but I think my favorite just might be the mint. How do I know if I'm contactable via my comment? Thanks for doing this fun freebie. I love your work!

lalalla said...

love them all too! My fave is turquoise:)

Bagladee said...

Perfect, right up my street. Dont worry about making too many lists, I couldn't function without mine ;) xx

Rebecca said...

Ooh, I love the turquoise one, but they're all adorable! :)

Daisie said...

Oh yes please, pop my name in the hat. And I know what you mean about the lists!!
Thank you!

Dianna said...

These are lovely! I put the list making down to the fact Spring is on the way - lots of 'freshness' and new things all around to inspire!

Jackie said...

I love the teal one the best but they are all equally gorgeous so wouldn't mind which one at all :O)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE making list! Another gorgeous giveaway prize :)

unknown said...

Those are such cute notebooks! The light green is my favorite, and I love the simplicity of the circles. Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Oh, that button flower is so adorable!

Nanna said...

Oh what pretty notebooks and pins! I hope I win!

My life with MND said...

Oooh what pretty notebooks. I placed an order with you today and I am so excited I cannot wait to recieve it!

These books look lovely! However, I never win anything, so I won't hold my breath (well, maybe for a second, but certainly not until Monday anyway....eeek!).

I like making lists too, but that's only because in my pregnancy madness, I forget everything today, after picking little ones up from school, I walked back to the car...only to realise I hadn't parked where I thought I had - oops (just in the complete opposite direction!).

klaudia said...

Thank you for a pretty give away...and happy notebooks!!!

Bertie Meadows said...

Hello, lovely, lovely, note books. I make lots of lists, you can never have too many note books!
Bertie x

jojoebi-designs said...

I am a listaholic, as I sit here I can see one next to me, one on the kitchen counter and one on on the fridge and i know there is another on the dining table and one tucked into my sketch book!
All the books are cute, especially the one with the pear and your blanket stitching puts mine to shame, yours is so neat!

Lisa Pidgeon said...

My inspiration comes when i close my eyes at night. I get loads of vivid pictures and ideas and it is too dark to jot/sketch them down!
Anyway i love these little books. The work is very neat and I love all the colours.

Anonymous said...

I make lists too but then I lose them! UGH! Maybe if I have a nice notebook like yours, I'll be able to get it together. Thanks for the chance! Blessings, Leslie

Flossie and Tom said...

Beautiful notebooks - they are gorgeous - I would be happy with any of them


Unknown said...

I'm a list person too, normally leave the shopping lists at home but at least I write one ;-). Great looking books.

greetingarts said...

You never cease to amaze me with your generosity. I'm making loads of lists at the moment, too, and not doing a great job of crossing things off of them, I'm afraid. Hopefully that will change soon! I really like that lime green, but that pear is pretty awesome, too. Great stuff, as always.

Jenny said...

What a generous freebie...fingers crossed for me to win! ;) I totally love the one with the little pear on it...but they are all fab!

Leah said...

What fabulous little notebooks. The lists I make are usually on the tiniest scraps of paper as my DD seems to vanish off with the larger bits!!

My preference is for the turquoise one - but I certainly wouldn't refuse either of the other two.

Leah x

Becky said...

ooohh, so simple and pretty. Great for making lots of lists! Turquoise is my favorite color!

Kim said...

Too cute... love them all!

sally said...

All of the notebooks are so cute! The teal one (is that the lightest colored blue?) is my favorite. What a fun giveaway.

Ciyou said...

the pear looks so cute~~

cassandrah said...

Those notebooks are adorable! Count me in!

Anonymous said...

Oooh, I LOVE these!!! I hope I win =)

Anonymous said...

They are all so perfect!!

Jan said...

What gorgeous notebooks - any of them would look lovely on my desk.... Here's hoping!

trash said...

Thay are all gorgeous but if you made me choose I would say green is my best and facourite.

Rachel said...

Yet another wonderful giveaway Sarah! They're all gorgeous! P.S. my felt supplies are running very low so I shall be placing an order with you very soon!

Shelley said...

Me, me! I can't possibly live another week without one of your gorgeous notebooks! (ok so that may be a bit OTT but I would love one!)

bex said...

im organising a local craft fair soo im going crazy on the list front!! ive been browsing your blog a while and recently subscribed...i have to say i would love to be doing what you are,congratulations!! i like all of the books but i think my favorite is the one with the pink flower on!

Gillian said...

I'm forever writing lists on scraps of paper and then losing them so one of these fab notebooks would be very handy - and cute! Love them all especially the teal with the pear.

Annie said...

I've just finished a giant list myself. My head just won't slow down at the moment either.

Moey B said...

I have endless lists at home all in random places, which drives my husband nuts! This would keep me from writing down on the back of envelopes and scrap paper - which then get thrown away. Please, please random number generator pick me!

Julia said...

These are gorgeous and I would love to be entered! Thank you! xx

Treasuresofjoy said...

Mint is my favorite, but I love to journal and any one of them would do!

Justine said...

ooo, I love, love, love the teal one! Let it be meeeeeee!

Anonymous said...

My life is one big list. (or lots of little lists that i keep finding in coat pockets!)I love the teal one.
But then they are all lovely.


Cheryl Smith said...

I'd love to win one of your notebooks but maybe I shouldn't because they are all so darned cute that I might be tempted to try to eat them :)!

Anonymous said...

Oh, This are so adorable. I would love to jot down all my ideas on one of those beautiful journals.
My favorite is the one with the flower on the front. BEEAAAAUUUUTTTIIIIFFUUUULLLLL!

Just in case my mail is

Alison B said...

cute, cute cute!!!! I love love love the turquoise one with the cute flower. so adorable. I'd use it every day. so great.
alisonnay at gmail dot com

Ruthie said...

They are just scrummy.

Ruthie x

Apryl said...

they are beautiful.. especially the teal one. I am forever writing lists in random notebooks, I am a bit addicted to notebooks I always have one with me wherever I go.

Teasel said...

I love stationery, especially beautiful stationery like this.

The teal one is lovely.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful as always, I'm continually inspired by this blog, thank you x

Tara @ Aquamarine Art said...

I'm a total listaholic, so I'd LOVE one of these! Turquoise would be my fave...
Loving all the things you've been making lately too!

Nikki said...

I'm a listaholic too, and *must* have a notebook in each room and bag!

Carol said...

You are just so talented!
I would love to win a notebook.

Welcome to Lulu's life. said...

Oh very cute! I love these notebooks!

ChocolateMintCrafts - BubbleBakes said...

wow! so many comments!! I've been planning many crafty things lately, so lists are my friends!! And these notebooks sooooo cute! I'd loooove to get one! Thanx!!

kelly said...

i love all the colours you've used, they are great - you can never have enough note books!

Anonymous said...

and I forgot to leave my email on the outside

Anonymous said...

They're all perfect, but the teal one....
I love your art!!
(although I'm usually not so lucky my mail is!)

Twiggy said...

oooo all lovely, but teal is my fave colour. Received my felt today and just been using it thanks it's lovely (that is not a bribe by the way:)
Twiggy x

pasiakowa said...

I love them all :)
Love the way you match the colour to make a lovely composition :)

Kitten's Lost Her Mittens said...

Just found your blog via Dottycookie. What beautiful notebooks! I would love the chance to win any of them, though I am especially drawn to the turquoise one with the pear. But they are all so wonderful!

Anonymous said...

what realy lovely note books!

Vicky said...

Loverly notebooks! Thanks for the chance to win one x

Staci said...

Wow they are all lovely too hard to choose a favorite. :)
Thanks for the chance to win one.

FishStikks said...

I adore your little notbooks, they look so amazingly well done and so bright and happy.

Please enter me in your fantastic drawing!

Anonymous said...

...everything I'd write on these notebooks should be nicer, since they're sooooo I'll keep my fingers crossed, and let's hope that Fortune should smile on me!

Thanks again for this generous chance, and a big hug from Italy!:o)*

Anonymous said...

Your work it's amazing! I didn't knew your blog, just your flickr and it's always so beautiful! The 3 notebooks are amazing, it's not possible to choose one! Congratulations!

Andrea said...

Love all the colours, you choose!!! If i win that is.
Andrea x

ZenCrafter said...

These notebook covers are all so beautifully done! Tell me how you cut felt with pinking shears--I've been trying for a while with little success.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh how adorable. I love these. I can see myself using one of these for my diet journal. How cute I'd feel to take one of these out of my purse and jot down stuff while waiting in line for my kids at school. All the moms would be jealous!

Crafty Koala said...

Oooh ooh please add me to your draw! I'm currently making a list of crafty things I need/would love to do and it would be even more fun doing it in one of your books! I got over excited in Borders earlier today and bought Sew Hip, Craft: and a book called "Stupid Sock Creatures" by John Murphy so its a very very long list i'm writing! xx

Anonymous said...

love them all.Nice work you do

Unknown said...

Love them all :D
If I had to chose.... maybe the darker one :)

Sonya said...

The mint one is beautiful..although all of them are. I just love mint

sara said...

I love them all. I won one before with a cupcake on the front. It holds my birthday and Christmas lists as I am determined to get ahead this year.

Anonymous said...

WOW! The notebooks are SO pretty! i just love everything you make and hope to win one of thses cuties! :)

ps said...

those are awesome notebooks- hope I can win one to maintain my lists...

Karanngutan said...

Wow - I'm new to your blog. Super cute stuff. Thanks for sharing!

Homegal said...

wow wow wow,
you are creative... love the notebooks~

choo choo knits said...

found your blog through your flickr pix - love your felt work - it's SO happy!!!