I've nearly blogged for 500 posts!
IF I plan it right the 500th would be next Wednesday (day off the day job day) so I thought....what better way to celebrate than to host a blog-based craft party?
I'll provide the pattern, instructions and there might even be some cake!
I figure that this way everybody can join in....everyone gets a freebie...they just make it themselves!!
It will involve felt and zips...and the zips WILL be conquered by all!
That sounds like an amazing idea. I'd definately be up for that, even if the word zips still makes me quake! Congrats on nearly reaching 500 posts :-D xx
That sounds like so much fun. What a great idea.
500? Crikey Nora, that's some achievement!!!
Zips? I am quaking, but I'll give it a go!!!
Hmm, that sounds cool. I'd like to play too please. x
Zips! I really need to conquer those pesky things!
Love the look of your bread and rolls on previous posts.Bet it smelt delicious!
Sounds fabulous, should I run out and buy a zip? Because for sure there are none in my house right now!
Sounds like a paper-and-string genius plan. Can't wait! xoxo
Sounds like great fun - zips sound very scary but I'm sure I have some swimming around the end of my sewing box!
I like it! I have a wee problem of time difference, I think I am 9 hours ahead at the moment, depending what time you kick off i should be able to play along on the day :o)
Unfortunately I will be at work then I have the dentist (great day can't you tell?) but I shall then be home to take part. Sounds like fun, and I don't mind zips.
oh, i wished the freebie would be a cupcake, i so much wanted to make one and eat it, lol. mmmmm...deliciously yummy.
btw, i found ur beautiful blog thru attic24. u both have a wonderful page.
I love your blog especially your cupcakes items ( :
I love this idea!!!!! Can't wait to see the challenge :)
i'll play...that sounds like fun!! 500! wow i thought id done well to have 100!!! well done!
Fab idea, count me in! :)
fab idea.. I have only ever done one zip and um.. would rather not talk about it if you know what I mean. *g*
There is an exception to every rule, right? Well you know the 'zip' rule? I'm the exception. They terrify me. *blush*
sweet! i wanna play and celebrate your 500 posts!!!
i've blocked time on my calendar to participate wednesday.
Very cute cupcakes.
how much felt and what size zip will we need? I am about to list some patterned felt on Etsy but I might keep some back depending how much we need
What a lot of posts..but the idea sounds great to me. Count me in!
What a cute idea. You make some great stuff. COngrats on the posts. I dig your blog. Keep the posts coming. Thanks!
wow 500 posts Thats still a bit of a distant dream for me lol.
Your craft party sounds fun I'll be sure to check it out.
A quick question...
I'm looking to bu some of your yummy felt. what shade in your range would you recommend as a skin colour?
Congrats on almost 500...yay for you.
great idea.
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