Monday, March 09, 2009

winners and two loaves

I've got a couple of days off the day job and today I sewed and sewed and I made bread!
I have never made bread before but found it very satisfying (and yummy!)
After a lot of kneading I was left with this ::
...after a couple of hours it had grown to this ::
after a bit more kneading it was settled onto baking trays ::

and kept warm under some tea towels ::
...finally it was ready for the oven ::
...and yes! it tastes amazing :-)

if you fancy having a go I used this recipe
now....down to business...I deleted all the repeated comments and the final number of entrees received was, to the random number machine ::
which has picked comment numbers :: 20, 31 and 62
which means the winners are ::
shell said...
I'm a list person too, normally leave the shopping lists at home but at least I write one ;-). Great looking books.x
Jan said...
What gorgeous notebooks - any of them would look lovely on my desk.... Here's hoping!
Dolly said...
Loverly notebooks! Thanks for the chance to win one x
well done to the winners....freebie day'll be back next month as usual on the first Thursday of the month.


Unknown said...

(scream) I won, I've made my day. Thank you so much. xxxxxxxxxx

pinkgreen said...

That bread looks divine. Thanks for the recipe - I'm going to have a go.
Cathy X

Rachel said...

Wow, that bread looks amazing! Thanks for the recipe link! :)

My life with MND said...

Bread looks yummy. I think I'll give that a go.

Well done to the winners!

Twiggy said...

Isn't homemade bread the best, we have our breadmaker on all the time! Well done the winners.
Twiggy x

Anonymous said...

Congratulations winners!
Your bread does look very tasty! xx

Kitty said...

OH my goodness - how wonderful does that bread look? Thanks for the link - I've bookmarked! x

Anonymous said...

woow!!! you made bread!!??!!! and it looks so yummy!!!!!! you're a woman of many talents :)

Vicky said...

Wow, really chuffed! never won anything before! :))
thank-you so much xxxxxx