Sunday, January 20, 2008


Today I managed to finish off the packaging I mentioned the other day ::

I've only shown small photos because I'm sure it would be a bit dull to look at lots of the same!!

This evening I've started to write a list :: it's a great big list that is SO big it's kind of scary....but once I've ticked every thing on it then paper-and-string will be heading in the direction I planned for this year!!

It's a funny thing with me but when I am concentrating on something (like my big list) the other bit of my brain goes a bit mad and new ideas keep coming at me, so now I have a new list of new ideas to toy with!!


Unknown said...

The packages look lovely - you really do make a good job of presentation!
Have fun with your list, I love lists, but I lose them and then I forget what I'm supposed to be doing!

Kitty said...

I've said it before, and I'll say it again - the best presentation of any crafter I've ever seen.

I have to have a list of 'to do' things, or I just forget everything! x

Claire said...

OMG! How do you have time to do all of your crafting and have a job? Those little packages look fantastic :)

mollycupcakes said...

Good luck with the lists honey. Everythings looking great.
I forgot to say thank you for the little packet I can't wait to receive it. oowww goodies yeay!
Have a nice week.
I'll be popping in everyday.

Catherine x

Anonymous said...

Those look terrific!