Friday, May 17, 2013

making and cut-cut-cutting

 my made-to-order books have been cleared for the weekend, after I finished off a set of drawing pins.....
 .....and 4 storage boxes
 Which is perfect timing because I have a lot of cutting to do!
the top photo will become 250 cut out flowers and the bottom photo 250 cut out owls - thank goodness i don't need need to sew them all together because it's a rush job and it's due to be sent off on Monday to Jayne - wish me luck, cos this is a lot of cutting!


Natasha-Rizhik said...

Good luck!It's a really big job!

MyGuideToHomemade said...

Wow I though 34 superhero finger puppets was a lot of cutting - this is insane!! xx

Jayne Schofield said...

You are an absolute star Sarah ! xx

The Stitching Shed x