I was all on my own at the workshop today...my workshop is in the car park of a very busy gym but today, after I had walked,skidded and slipped my way there the gate was locked and all the snow in the car park was untouched!
my workshop in the snow
I love my little workshop building...it's so cute, I just wish that whoever owns the house that's behind it would paint that ugly grey wall!
Mind you I don't often see that view...this is what I look out on ::

view looking out of my workshop door
view looking out of my workshop windows
and it looks even prettier in the snow :-)
How pretty :).
I made my first cupcake from your kit - please go to my blog and have a look :)
Wot a cute workshop!! I do feel it needs felty things dangling in its windows though..
Looks nice...I do love snow.
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