I was sitting at my worktable yesterday evening cutting out teeny-tiny squares of felt and gluing them into place onto swatch cards and my mind was wandering round and round, lots of small incomplete thoughts, then I re-focused on what I was doing and realised how much I love every aspect of this business I have created...
...and how proud I am that I have achieved a big goal.
I have set lots more big goals for myself this year, I've written them down and given myself time lines to (hopefully) ensure they get done...I'll keep you updated as I go :-)
Well done you..........
It's going to be an awesome year. I just posted on how i manage all that i do (as people keep asking) & it's that i love it (sewing is my business & still passion), accept my home life (being a housewife, mother of 4 & all the cooking, cleaning, schooling that goes along with it) & my husband away constantly as he's a soldier. Makes all the difference when you love it.
So it's great to hear you love doing swatch cards, they are beautiful & so much more than felt stuck to a card. Well done for your fabulous efforts. You should be proud & you've created a great business too. Really loving your blog. Love Posie
I've just sold a business I have had for 19 years and its been a trauma giving it up. I loved it all, even the difficult bits. Your workshop looks fantastic and the passion you have for your craft shines through. I am inspired by your posts and will follow your example and make myself an achievement plan for my new venture.
Shirley xx
You should be really proud! You're really inspiring to me. Wish you the best of luck for 2010! Can't wait to see what you have planned!
I must say that it's the persoanl touch that makes a good business! I have just received a parcel of goodies from you that I ordered a couple of days ago. It was packed so lovely and the little note was so very thoughtful. It really brightened my day! So much so that I blogged about it! Thank you for providing such a wonderful service. Wishing you all the best for the future and your exciting new plans. Will definitely be a regular customer!
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