I sat and did some hand embroidery yesterday on these flowers, which are for an order. Just a sneak peek really until their new owner has seen them!!
I was on a bit of a flower theme after making those so I dug deep into my cut-but-not-done-anything-with-basket and found some cut out flowers and added some fabric scraps and brads and I will use them as decorations on packages I send out.
Obviously it's very important to display packaging products in your own home (!!) so here they are in a pretty glass jar...
John was at his garage until quite late so after finishing the flowers I sat and chopped felt and had a whale of a time
This morning my progress has been somewhat halted in it's tracks by the postman. First of all I opened thisso I had to sit (with a coffee) and look in detail at every single page. And because I'm nice here are the most important pages for you to look at too: ta-DA :: The Fabric Pages
My favourite is the scallop 70's ish one (£4.59 a metre) but you know once you're stood in the fabric part of the shop you may as well have a bit of all of it!! (a bit sounds quite small doesn't it? maybe I mean a bolt!)
Last time I was at Ikea shopping for fabric John had gone for a sit own on the rug display (no stamina) and I was brandishing the scissors so well another customer asked me to work out how much fabric she needed for her curtains!! I wasn't even wearing yellow!!
Not really a whole page dedicated to fabric but WOW i love green :-) Sometimes Ikea have lovely fabric duvet covers but don't sell it by the metre...I've often chopped an Ikea duvet cover into new things, and that green one looks tempting...
Remember my cheek-less reindeer? Well, the race for supplies is over. This morning the postman also bought me a little package from
Happy Scrapper in Dorset. (Did you really expect to only see 1 pack of pink-cheek brads!)
Half an hour later the parcel postman knocked on the door (rudely interrupting the Ikea catalogue looking) and my parcel from America arrived too :-)
1000 mini black brads and 4 packs of Reindeer cheeks.
The workmen have not yet returned (yippee) there are two gaping holes in the road but no one doing anything. Here's hoping they come back on Thursday when I am at work!
See you later xxx
sounds like you've been really busy!, all those colours look good enough to eat!, the brads look like smarties : )
i do like the flowers with the fabric scraps, really cute!.
Oh my god you've done loads! Do your eyes/fingers/neck not all get exhausted?
And please could you come to Ikea Bristol next time so you can serve me at the fabric shop too??
You've been very busy,what a tidy worker you are too! I wish I could be like that!(so does my husband)
I love happy scrapper too!!!! But it's tempting to spend too much money (and I am banned from Ikea for the same reason!)
Love the flowers! :)
I hear you on the duvet chopping front. I discovered the last time I went that it was even cheaper to buy a flat sheet than fabric yardage. What's that all about??
you truyl amaze...i was so excited to finally open my IKEA catalogue after seeing your photos of the great fabric...and even happier to know the same fabric is availble here as there :)
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