Thursday, April 02, 2009

how did that happen?

Is it just me or is this year whizzing by?
It only seems like 5 minutes ago that I did the March freebie, but already it's time to announce April's freebie!
So lets get to it....

I have made up two piles of supplies with more than enough goodies with which to make a felt cupcake purse...(it seems 4" zips are not that easy to come by which is what inspired this freebie!)
There will be two prizes and each prize contains ::
4 pieces of 12" felt, 2m of grosgrain ribbon, a few buttons and the elusive 4" zip :-)

As always, all you need to do to enter is leave a comment on this post and I will randomly pick two winners on Sunday 5th April 2009. I will post world wide so everyone is welcome to enter :-)
Good Luck!


treaclezoo said...

ooooh, what a lovely giveaway! lovely colours & a neat project to boot... I hope I win ;o)

Dianna said...

Oh, what an exciting give away. I know my daughter would love one of the cupcake purses, so I have my fingers firmly crossed (otherwise I'll be on the hunt for 4" zips!)

Kristie said...

Yipee, I am so excited. My little girl will absolutely love the purse. She takes after her mamma. It's all about the shoes and the purse!

Meaghan said...

I love your blog (and your craft!) and I'd love to enter! Thank you so much!

I have a giveaway going on at my blog if you'd like to enter as well. :-)

Ariane said...

I love the cupcake felt purse. I really hope I win. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway. I love your blog.

jeane said...

yes yes its 4th mth in 2009! perhaps i will do a quater review on myself, lol..
im first time to join in this freebie giveaways, ya, im so excited. i have marked the first thursday on my calendar, IMPORTANT BUSINESS!! lol...
anyway happy easter to u and your family, enjoy!

Anita said...

I love your creations! They are just sooo cute.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely giveaway.

Flossie and Tom said...

Please include me - I love the colours


ElenaMelena said...

Cute things!! I hope I'll get them, love your purses. Thnks in advance....

Julie said...

I love your use of color, its like we are kindred, if its not bright its not up my alley. I will send me email if you pick me.

Rachel said...

What gorgeous colours, Sarah, count me in! I'm having a birthday giveaway too so do pop over to say hi!
Rachel x

Meagan said...

I'd love to give your craft a try!

Karanngutan said...

Too much fun! Thanks for posting an the give-away.

Apple Valley said...

Please enter me for the giveaway, my twins would love one of them purses, so if I win I might need to get all the stuff to make 2 or there maybe fights!
Great blog.x

Melissa said...

I have your tutorial on my to-do list, so this giveaway would be great for me!


madmummy said...

What lovely colurs, please may I be included...
xxx Steph

The Dotty One said...

Ooooh that looks like a lovely giveaway - please enter me! I've been planning to make one of your purses but haven't got the materials just yet (although, for anyone in the UK looking for 4" zips I noticed John Lewis were doing them).


Florencia Luciano said...

This is great! I want to try and do your purse and this will be a good way to start it.
Pick me!!!

truskawkaM said...

this green ribbon is wonderful ! :)

Unknown said...

I know what you mean about time flying by. Great giveaway again.

מיכל said...

Nice Giveaway!

tinygiraffe said...

I just came across your blog today - and it's completely yummy delicious. I'm off to check your etsy shop (which is probably better maintained than mine - !)

Shelley said...

Great giveaway as usual, I'd love to win those goodies xx

Katie said...

I would LOVELOVELOVE to win this!

Ruthie said...

Great idea for this month's giveaway. I'd love to win it too.

Ruthie x

Dodo and Solitaire said...

Wow that's a really generous freebie! I'm lovin' those colours and I'm sure it'll make whoever wins it a very a happy crafter! Keep up the good work! xx

Anonymous said...

what a fab giveaway

jennyflowerblue said...

Ooooo can I enter please?

ClaireP said...

me me mee! pick me! there is always room for more felt in my HUGE box of felt! ;)

Gillian said...

Please include me in the giveaway! I'd love to win this one - and make my own cupcake purse!!

Jackie said...

I loved your little cupcake purses! Please can you enter me into your giveaway. Thanks :O)

jane said...

love the colors! Your creations are just too adorable!

Emma Loves Stitching said...

What a lovely give-away, love the colours combinations, I'd love to be entered!
Emma :)

Nanna said...

What pretty Spring colors! How sweet of you to offer a giveaway.

Julie B. said...

I have your cupcake purse starred in my Google Reader to make, so I love this give away! Thanks for your great ideas and inspiration!

Brittany said...

How fun! I've been meaning to ask where your 4" zippers.

Unknown said...

I looked for 4 inch zippers today and the smallest I found was a 5 incher.

Unknown said...

I love the colors in your giveaway, they're so vibrant!

Vicky said...

Feel a bit cheeky entering again this month after winning a notebook last month ;) but couldn't resist it the prize is so great!

jolie armstrong said...

Love your stuff. So much fun! Here's to getting picked!

Chi Designs said...

ohhhh, i love cupcakes and have your purses on my list to make already! :)

Darth Mama said...

Just the pictures alone look so fabulous!

lalalla said...

oh soo pretty colors!

Treasuresofjoy said...

I Love your stuff too!
I would love a chance to win!

Crafty Things said...

I love the photo - it looks so inviting. all those treasures just waiting to be made into stuff. Your giveaways are so generous!

Teasel said...

Another fabulous giveaway. Fingers crossed that i will be succesful. -x-

My life with MND said...

Ooh, is it really time to enter another giveaway, I am sure it was not that long ago that I was disappointed not to have won the lovely books you offered last month!

I managed to find some 4 inch zips on (dare I say it) e-bay. Very reasonably priced as well!!

Jenny said...

Another fab giveaway! Love the purse project. xxx

bex said...

what a good idea for a give away, i must be lucky as the craft fair near me has quiite a few 4" zips

Jacqui said...

Your cupcake purse tutorial is a great idea. Its on my list of things to do. Thank you for sharing such brilliant ideas :)

natacha said...

I would love to participate ! it is really hard to find such nice colors here in mexico !

greetingarts said...

I just bought a bunch (like 25!) of 4" zips from specifically because of your cupcake purse tutorial... can't wait to make some for my girls and their friends!

jojoebi-designs said...

pick me!
I discovered the other day that there are little metal things to go with nylon zips, you put the metal thingy on the zip to make it the length you want it (it looks like a fat staple) the cut off the end - I haven't tried it yet.

illahee said...

oh such lovely colors!!

Diane said...

I'm coming out of lurkerdom to have a go at winning! I found your blog recently and have enjoyed going back through the archives. Your work is very cute and very inspiring!


BeyondWheelchairs said...

My daughter loves her cupcake bag, I have had half of her class asking for one, so expect more traffic.

Mel H. said...

I would love to win! You have such adorable creations!

Angela said...

wow, such a lovely giveaway! thanks for the chance to win!

Ness Rose said...

I hope I get lucky this month!! :)

cathy said...

this is my first time to join. hope i'll be lucky =) i love to get your 4' zippers and try the purse in your tutorials :) thanks!!! more power ;)

Izzy~JimJims said...

wait, 4 inch zippers? they are real? i thought u just cut them!! i would love a set!!

Crafty Koala said...

Wow, the comments list on this post shows how many people love your things :-D well done you!!!

Oh and please include me in the draw. I'm not flattering you to get my hands on your crafty goodies - honestly!!!!


Dominika said...

I loooove the colors!! Your blog is great!! I love the surprises!!!

And I agree with you!! It's Spring already!!!

Thank you :)

mitmot said...

What a lovely giveaway - please could i be included

teeny tiny house said...

they look like fun to make
please include me in the draw

sara said...

please add me in

t. said...

love it! my daughter was just asking if we could give it a try!

kelly said...

yes please would love to give one of these a go!

Meladori said...

Hi! greetings from sweden :)
I love all the things you make and i would be thrilled to win a prize so i can make a purse on my own :D

klaudia said...

:) nice!!!Thank you for sharing the purse project with us!!

tracey said...

wow what a great give away

Maxine said...

Ooh, what a lovely and generous giveaway! Please enter me.

Bethany said...

I would be so excited to win, i wanted to try to make these but knew i would never get around to buying the supplies ! Thanks for the chance to win.

S said...

Have just found your blog, lovely things here!

Lane said...

Super cute! My future neice (she's 5) always complains that she has "nothing beautiful". Somehow I think a cupcake purse would change all that :D Here's hoping I win...

Bryony Ramsden said...

I could so do with this little bit of niceness after the horrid week I've just had at work! I've got your instructions bookmarked so I can make some with some fat quarters and ribbony bits I've already got, but I'd love to make some the way you've got them...

Nikki said...

I'm already thinking of Christmas presents to make and your cupcake purse features highly on my list! Thanks for the tutorial.

pad_made said...

nothing ventured, nothing gained - i was at the shops today trying to pick up bits and pieces for the purse, but aberdeen is criminally lacking in fabric and craft shops!

Emily Pratt said...

Thanks for this opportunity. Just discovered your blog recently and enjoying seeing how creative you are!

Orjana said...

Wow what a yummy give away! Count me in!! I have never made anything with a zip, but your tutorial has inspired me and I am gonna give it a go! x x x

Bethany said...

Yay! I'm loving the felt colors!
Ooh ooh pick me pick me!! :)

Lucy said...

lovely jubbly!
thanks for a chance to win! ;o)

Lazylol said...

Oh I'd love to be entered in your giveaway!

Lucie said...

My girls would love this kit - they love crafting as much as me. This combines several of their fave things - pink, felt, crafting, cupcakes and time with mum. :-)


Lucy Carlson said...

I love those little purses - perfect for my niece for her birthday as she is very much a pink girl :D

Have a good Easter
L x

ps said...

ooh- I really want to make one of these for my daughter...

Swirlyarts said...

Better late than never eh! Count me in!!

Paula Lemos said...

Please enter me! Thanks!

Just like Martha said...

What a wonderful giveaway full of inspiration - oh pick me - the lady from down under!!

Welcome to Lulu's life. said...

Oh I love this one! I did find some 4 inch zips but I love the thought of a kit!

Cornflower said...

Oh I hope I am not too late! I love this kit!

Vidya said...

may be I'm late as of eastern time but still I want to comment.Its a wonderful giveaway and nice colors...

Wan Anis Sorfina said...

Am i too late to enter this give away!? like the cute pinky pouch! love this kit too..

Just_a_bean said...

Wow - would love to win your giveaway! Your purse pattern is fab! Justine xx

amy said...

count me in as well....its so lovely.................

maidinengland said...

Fingers crossed...!

Sohaniee said...

Love to make something nice with those fab fabrics.xx

My Little Corner said...

Ooooooo pick me, pick me :) I adore the cupcake purse.
Estelle x

Anonymous said...

I love all your ideas. You are very creative. I want to be you when I grow

superstitches said...

Love the cupcake purse.

Mr Lee said...

What beautiful makes!Well done.Hope your all doing well.welcome to our blog

inbal weisman said...

It looks great!
wish I will win!