this HUGE pile of woodland creatures is my secret sewing project...the Oxford Street John Lewis is now displaying all these happy fellows in their craft area (photo to follow soon I hope!) They are having ribbon looped through their red hanging loops and are being strung like festive bunting between giant knitting needles! There are 10 of each creature here...the mushrooms & acorns took about a week, and the hedgehogs and foxes about two weeks...they seemed to take forever to finish, and I had such a strict deadline that couldn't be changed!...but all the early mornings and late nights were definitely worth it...I can't wait to see them in the display, they'll be up until the end of January so I should get the chance to go up there and take a peep in person!
Wow -- Upwards and onwards for you and your special makes!
Oh they are all so cute well done you
Pene x
OH MY GOODNESS I love foxes and I love your little woodland creatures!!!
Love,Love,Love all your woodland creatures.
Wow!! That's going to look amazing! I will be in London during December so shall go take a look : )
They will look absolutely fab !!
I'd like to come to London and see them all :D
I'm back home and I found your small pack .... I can't believe how that buttons are GOURGEOUS!!!
thank you!
I'm so excited for you - they are all amazing Looking forward to seeing the store display
Janis x
Well, how is that for praise of your work!!!!Christmas displays in Oxford Street!!You must be soooooo proud and chuffed!They are all so gorgeous and all look so happy! Well done!
How fab are you???!!!!
What a feather in your cap - many congratulations.
Can I apply for a job at your increasing empire?
wow - how amazing is that?!!!! YOu deserve it :)
L xx
You must be thrilled to have your work out on display on Oxford street! Don't forget to show us the photo of the finished display once it's up...
Your work displayed in the Oxford Street John Lewis - that is just phenomenal!!!! Congratulations, you must be so proud!!! Fantastic, I'm so pleased for you!
Maria x
Wow, that's a great achievment, you must be so proud of your work! These creatures are lovely. Do you plan to get some rest after this sewing marathon or will you have to wait until after the Christmas craziness?
That is so fab, well done! I really love them all, but especially the Toadstools - too cute! x
I can't wait to see the picture of them hanging its going to be EPIC!!!
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