Thursday, March 03, 2011

freebie day :: March 2011

This month's freebie has been inspired by one of my lovely customers, Hailing.
Hailing has a shop on Etsy called soap pops and she makes amazing Ice Lolly soaps...look ::

Don't they look gorgeous??? well they are and they smell gorgeous too!
Hailing offered to supply a freebie prize & I had to say yes because they are so amazing!
I was a little stumped trying to come up with an idea for what I could offer as a freebie prize to go with these soaps but then inspiration struck and I started sewing!

What goes with soap??? ... a wash bag!

what goes with soap in the shape of Ice Lollies? ice lolly wash bag!!

The wash bag is a paper-and-string one-off...but there are lots of ice lolly soaps in Hailing's shop...she's even provided a discount code for you all...just use the discount code PAPERANDSTRING and you'll receive a 10% discount

The Prizes
prize 1...Ice Lolly Wash Bag & 3 Ice Lolly Soaps
prize 2...3 Ice Lolly Soaps
How to enter
simply leave a comment on this post and your name will be entered into the draw
I must must must be able to contact you through your comment
(if you type your email address then replace the @ with (at) and the .com with (dot) com and the spam bots won't find you)
only one comment each please
I will post worldwide so everyone is welcome to enter
Comments will close on Tuesday 8th March & winners will be announced shortly after
don't forget that Hailing has a discount here and get 10% off!
discount code :: PAPERANDSTRING
Good Luck!
The freebie has now closed (at comment #210!)
winners will be announced in a separate post shortly


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Emma said...

Yay! bring on the summer - deliciousness all round here. My deets are: elfstamper at sky dot com - thank you :D

Moois van mie said...

count 'me' in !!!!!!

Jenny said...

You should defo be making more washbags!!! It's lovely! And the soaps look yummy too! :)

Gillian said...

Oh my gosh I MUST win this giveaway - love the lollies and the washbag is to die for!! G

Isadora said...

I'd love to win!


crafty....du said...

Great giveaway contact me at du9999(at)hotmail(dot)com get blog and fab ideas :)

Betta said...

partecipo volentieri speriamo bene

angie said...

the ice lollies are beautiful so realistic looking off for a neb at your shop.the wash bag a one off hmmmm i bet not.Angie

Crafting with Mel said...

What a wonderful freebie. Please enter me Sarah!

frou-frou said...

Oh how lovely!! I'd love to win. Please enter me, Fiona x

Wanda said...

Great freebie!
wandasblogje at gmail dot com

Anna said...

What a brilliant prize - count me in please!

Klik said...

Thanks you for a chance to win! :))

Anne said...

It's so cute! And so funny for my children (4 girls!!!!) Wow!

anne.mailloux at bellnet dot com

Unknown said...

You should def make more of the washbag. It is great! Please count me in.

Sue x

sassypackrat said...

Super cute and oh so fun!


LottieD said...

That's wash bag look FAB! Count me in...


isabel said...

These prices are very beautiful. I'd like to win!!!!

Sheetal Ahlawat said...

Fantastic prize to be won! dahiyasheetal( at )googlemail(dot)com

Pink Stitches said...

Amazing giveaway as usual!
Loving the wash bag :o)

sarah said...

Love love love the washbag and soaps. Please enter me
sarah_judoka at yahoo dot co dot uk

thanks for the spam tip x :)

C said...

So adorable--the bag and the soap pops!

Unknown said...

What a great giveaway! The washbag is great - smaller ones would make brilliant pencil cases too. Becky x

Dandelion Kisses said...

Count me in!
Gorgeous ice-lolly-soaps.


Manu said...

Wow!!! Wonderful prize!!!
I love soaps and your washbag!!!
I cross my finger.. always!!!
Kisses.. THANKS!!!


Saskia said...

What a lovely soaps these are! Please add my comment to your giveaway. This Dutch girl would love to take a bath with them!

Saskia from Holland

Saskia said...

Sorry forgot to mention my emailaccount. It;s the firt time I ever partipated into a giveaway.

Saskia from Holland

Jainatina said...

The wash bag is super cute and soap is adorable! :)


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! Touchof summer on a horrible, grey, sick child day

Hani Syahida ✿ said...

wow, they are so cute :):)

Giorgia Rossini said...

they are so cute!
ciao dall'Italia

Pottering Pixie said...

Lovely freebies, please add me to the draw.


Gill said...

The ice lolly soaps look fantastic!! and a wash bag too!

Stephanie said...

those of lovely, looking super yummy.

Anonymous said...

Such a cute giveaway! Count me in pls.


Sarah @ Sugar and Shimmer said...

Adorable! I would love to win :)
sarahsimon (at) hotmail (dot) ca

Leah said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway! *fingers crossed* :)

natalie said...

super cute giveaway!! the washbag is adorable and the soap pops look good enough to eat!!

Pene said...

Love those lolly soaps and the wash bag is brill. Please count me in

Rocío said...

Wonderful!!! Please count me in



Marleen said...

Love this!
Would be so proud to take the bag and the soup to work (were I attend sleepduty's) Sorry, my English is not that good.
Count me in


Marlou McAlees said...

wow!!! these are so unique!! I would love to be the proud owner of these gorgeous handmade creations , thanks a million :) :)

creathea said...

How lovely! I really like to become the owner of these creations :)

thea-gerard at home dot nl

jaellede said...

So lovely, the lollies are really cute :)

Mopo said...

I'm here! :)

::cupcakesandbiscuits:: said...

Ooh fab freebie, please count me in!
Ali x

Scented Sweetpeas said...

What a fab prize combo, please enter me into your giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this brill prize. Please enter me into the draw. Annie. amsswsdotsparkesatvirgindotnet

Sam said...

Wow what beautiful soaps and gorgeous washbag. Please can I enter. Thank you Sam

bears footprints said...

oh what a yummy freebie, its a great idea to have a wash bag with the soaps, it might be a one off but it looks great, so please enter me in it too.

Grig said...

Ohh! Lovely!
grigoli.elena (at) gmail. (dot)com

Heather @ Camp Slop said...

Those are adorable!

Sarah said...

tasty treats! sarah x

Hazel said...

OMG those soap pops look divine! I love craft imitating food, yum yum x

m hoch drei said...

They look like I could eat them ! I am hungry....
kaeferchen17 (at) yahoo(dot) de

Mazzalou said...

Gorgeous freebie!!
I love the spotty trim on the wash bag - you should definitely make more of them!
Fingers crossed I get the washbag, I just love your creations!! :o)

cristina said...

Me encanta su blog...espero que me toque!!!

Anonymous said...

So SO sweet! Beautiful design, and the soaps look delicious! :)
pikkatoste (at) hotmail (dot) com

purpleshades said...

freebie..... adorable, gorgeous ;)


i love paper and string! (:

Katie said...

Lollypop,lollipop ohhh lolly lollipop buh dumbum bum ....what a fab freebie my Popsicle nearly melted ? Count me in pleeeeeease !! Katie (mackworths

Anonymous said...

bellissimiii :) eri - ca at live it

dizzytina said...

These are so so cute I am dying to get my mitts on them please count me in Tina x x

renee said...

love to enter , looks so great

Lou said...

oh wow!! these are simply gorgeous, a perfect pretty pink bag for those lushious lollies xx

Julia said...

What a gorgeous freebie, the wash bag is fab! The soaps are super cute. Thanks for the chance of winning. xx

Melissa Smith Textiles said...

Absolutely fab! Yum yum!

Inuquita said...

Thanks you for a chance to win!!!!

MummyCat said...

It's going to be me this time- I just know it! Come on Lady Luck, I wanna win!

Ina Smirnova said...

Oh, so wonderful prizes! I wish I could win!!! :)

Debbie said...

Gorgeous prize! Those soaps look good enough to eat and the wash bag is in my favourite colours!

Debbie and the Speaks said...

What a lovely pair of prizes :)
Thanks for the chance.
debbie.herbert at gmail dot com

The AfterCraft said...

I love the name Ice Lollies! They look too yummy to resist! Yes please!

con il ♥ e le mani said...

gorgeous prizes! ;-)
fingers crossed, i hope i'm lucky!


ClaireP said...

They all look so yummy!
Count me in (also can't believe its March freebie time already!)

Luciana F. Damiano said...

Please count me in!
So wonderful prizes.


fairy fluffcake said...

what a delicious looking prize, please enter me
thanks, Sarahx

Laura said...

I LOVE your wash bag, I'm following your blog for a while now and I think you've got great creative ideas!

laura18k ( at ) telfort ( dot ) nl

scrappyjacky said...

The soaps look does your washbag....great giveaway.

Yorkshire Quilter said...

Gorgeous giveaway - please pick me me me!!!

Anonymous said...

I can almost smell those soaps and what a delightful wash bag. mg12(at)btopenworld(dot)com

Алёнка said...

Thanks! I'd love to win!

FuzzyFolk said...

Ohh gorgeous, thanks for this.

Enter me please :)


MJ said...

Wow I LOVE THIS! It's so cute!! And the colours you used match the lollipop idea perfectly :)
marykejensen (at) gmail (dot) com

leanne said...

That is such a lovely idea, those lollies look good enough to eat, bet they smell amazing! Leannesian at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Everything looks amazing. Hope I am lucky, well done both of you for great makes. Linzi
linz dot fred1 at virginmedia dot com

Closet Writer said...

good enough to eat....mmmmm
shirley at foodpositive dot co dot uk

Losh said...

You have such lovely ideas.... fingers crossed again

Катаринка said...

Какая красота !!!!!!

Olivia said...

Bag is gorgeous & the soaps sound like delicious scents, can't even begin to pick a favourite from cherry, lime, bubblegum & fruit salad!

Heather Eddy said...

So darn cute!


Laura said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Laura said...

I'd like to win please! hotmailhomicide at googlemail dot com

Natalia said...

Love it, the soaps and the bag look cute!

Sandra said...

Hi there
your lolly bag is so cute, I would love one of those... I'd be happy to win.

thanks for your beautiful work

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of to win

Elvira Ega said...

wonderfull freebies !!!

Colour Splash by Cath said...

Those soaps are gorgeous :) What a great idea & the wash bag's a perfect match!

cathu at boltblue dot com

Mindy said...

Dear Sarah,

you're fantastic, as usual! I can imagine the sheer amount of effort you put in just to design the washbag for this freebie. And those lovely soaps!! I can almost smell them from here. I'd love to be the lucky one!!

mindythio at gmail dot com

quesyaq said...

feels like eating ice cream! nyum2!
please pick me! ^_^


Diane said...

As always, what a lot of work you've put into your giveaway! And those ice-lolly soaps look delicious... I would *love* to win!

diane_aoto (at) yahoo (dot) co (dot) uk

Awok's Kiter Craft (Awin) said...

love it :)

don't forget me

syaaz84 [at] gmail (dot) com

Nomaliza Azman said...

Trying my luck here :)

SuriaRosly said...

So cute... Its Ice cream soap... :)

wanie said...

trying my luck..count me in ya


HNNRashid said...

I want it sooo much . it's perrrrrfect !


MandMStudio said...

So cute :)

Teresa said...

pick me please!!! :)

ailsa said...

Wow, I don't know which I like most - the washbag or the soaps. Keeping my fingers crossed

ailsa (at )nifty (dot )com

Dawnart said...

I love the bag, and the soap pops toooo ;)

Anonymous said...

count me in!!!

the bag is so cute!!


leah said...

That bag is adorable, and those soaps look loke fun!

quiltdude said...

What a lovely giveaway, count me in please.

Sarita1981 said...

What a wonderful gift! Add me to the list!

Sarita1981 said...

What a wonderful gift! Add me to the list!

Nur said...

count me in!

Anik said...

I love them! :)) Looks so cute :)

Cindy said...

Wow! They're lovely! I'd love to win one of the prizes.

Love, Cindy
cinscreaties at live dot nl

Os Pitinhos said...

Count me in, Sarah


Vasiliki Kyb said...

OH!! Very cute soaps...and what a cute bag!
Congrats to both of you!

Anna Walker said...

What great ideas! Love these soaps, and think you should make more wash bags!
Thanks for the chance - fingers crossed

monica said...

grazie x questa opportunita.

Anica said...

Hey! They look gorgeous!! And I love the design of the washbag - really original :)
p.s. ;)

Anonymous said...

There are so cool! I love those soap lollies and what a funky place to keep them.


jedtyrrell (at) yahoo dot co dot uk

Anonymous said...

Lollies!!!! Complete gorgeousness(is that a word?) from both of you!
What a fab team, although would have to be careful not to nibble the soaps - the flavours look so tempting! Thanks for the chance.


sohaniee said...

love those lollies and want that bag ! :)) Sohaniee xx

Anonymous said...

Wow that is a fab wash bag and those soaps look so real! Please enter me in your giveaway :) x

c a b b i e n a said...

real-looking lollies and a cute bag ...
i want it !!!

Mibbi said...

Wow, those soaps are so cute! And the wash bag is so lovely too! Such a great freebie prize, i'd love to join in! :D xx

ирина said...


ирина из перми

sitinorafizah said...

Can't take my eyes of it

sitinorafizah at gmail dot com

* Marinda * said...

I love both prizes. Let the summer (eeeh, spring) begin!!!!


oja said...

count me in...hope can win this time


Almudena Antelo said...

Oh!!! The look like real ones!!! mmmmm

araleling said...

The color combination is amazing and smooth! Looks so yummy!!
And nice wash bag to go along too, pretty =D

Paula Lemos said...

So cute! Please count me in, thanks!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

Mariangela said...

Yes please!!!! I wish to win these fabulous prizes :)

sarah said...

what a great give-a-way! and now I am craving a popsicle :)

Mel H. said...

This is so great!

melissa at ranchero dot com

Desirée-ScrapDees said...

love to take a change too!

Amy said...

These are so adorable!

Tadewi said...

These soaps look so cute.
I swap with friends...but haven´t ever seen such soaps...great idea.:o)

TC Tadewi

Glenys said...

I love ice creams!

Laura said...

Such a great giveaway!

irishrainbow at yahoo dot com

Das Leben findet heute statt said...

Wonderful! I like it very much!!

Best wishes

Weazel Girl said...

Those look amazing, and your bag you made is very cute!! :)

Andrea M said...

So cute! I would love to win!
methvin3 at bellsouth dot net

earthlyjewels said...

Another great freebie!!! Fingers crossed!!!


Miss Red Apple said...

love it

Anonymous said...

Everything looks soooooo tasty! Yammy!
Im on the line.

or: fifulya(at)hotmail(dot)com

Greenpixey said...

Awesome, those lollies looks good enough to eat and I love the cute little wash bag you've sewn :)

Anonymous said...

These are so lovely. Please enter me into the freebie. saraoshea2 (at) yahoo (dot) co (dot) uk

Anonymous said...

Wow! It is amazing!

ezhikowna (at) gmail (dot) com

Susan said...

Ohhh lovely freebie. Count me in pls. Details are:
s_day101 (at) hotmail (dot) com


Anonymous said...

SUCH a cute prize!! I would love to win!! :)


fabulouspinkelephants (at) hotmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Oh gorgeous soaps, gorgeous bag, gorgeous giveaway as always ;-)

lazylol said...

Love the washbag and the soap lollies, I will have to go over and have a browse at the Etsy shop

K. said...

How adorable!!!! Makes me think of sun and sand

craftymummy said...

Wow, they're fab!! It's my daughters birthday today, so if I win I'm giving them to her.

antiemth at googlemail dot com

Tiny Tippler said...

Just noticed today I could do with a new washbag. It all looks scrummy!


Anonymous said...

awww lovely lollies :-)


MagicalJane said...

The soaps look beautiful and your wash bag the perfect thing to accompany them. Looks like you may have found a whole new line of products to make (as I find crafters often don't stick to the 'one off' rule)

magicaljourneys at hotmail dot com

Jules said...

would really love one of these to take on my hols

Katie-Kathryn said...

So cute! I wonder how you use the lolly in the washroom. Does the stick pop out?
Would love to test them out!

pigglet said...

ohh what a lovely idea, love the icelolly soaps and the bag was inspired thanks for the chance to wim.

A Bookish Space said...

Oh a delicious freebie - thank you so much. My details are abookishspace (at) gmail (dot) com

Sandra said...

This giveaway looks soooo sweet!
sandra0silverio (at) gmail (dot) com

Hana Kirana said...

Hi I would like to join..

I Hana Kirana From Malaysia

My email: hanakiranastore[a]gmail[dot]com

imanmom said...

hye,count me in...
the GA look so cute...

my email: nonemom[a]gmail[dot]com

Nisa Greennnpanda said...

Hye there..
Those soaps & wash bag look so adorable!!!

Count me in the giveaway too!! I'm from Malaysia, by the way.

email: greennnpanda(at)gmail(dot)com

mariah_smile said...


im mariah_smile from malaysia

i would like to be the winner

My email:

shayerrr said...

Hye there..

Count me in the giveaway too!! I'm from Malaysia, by the way.

email: qierannaa(at)gmail(dot)com

cikanna said...

Hye there..
Those soaps & wash bag look so adorable!!!

Count me in the giveaway too!! I'm from Malaysia, by the way.

email: sishana88(at)gmail(dot)com

Karisma Izzah said...

oh my...

I thought that the ice cream is real!

Wonderful work of art!


ncw said...

this looks soooo yummy! I'd love to win one of these!


pinkcrayonstreet at yahoo dot com

zuneta said...

hi...its awesome giveaway..i'd like to win thats...please count me in..



Unknown said...

Love your washbag - you must make more! The lollies look gorgeous too - just what we need on these grey wet days. Would be sooooooo happy to win.
Being optimistic I can be contacted on penny at edgingtonfamily dot org

Ellen said...

They are the cutest soaps I have ever seen. I want one! :) x Ellen

princess.tots. said...

those lollies are to die for! and I'm a sucker for ur cute wash bag (pun intended!) ;D

*crossing fingers*

contact me at fnizzaty (at) gmail (dot) com

| c o r v u s | said...

please, i want to have one!!

*crossing my legs


Mel said...

Love the washbag!! so original and cute!!! :D

Carlotta said...

Delicious <3

Anonymous said...

the wash bag is really lovely. and so are the ice lolly soaps. what a wonderful freebie prize!!! :)

greetings from salzburg,


Anonymous said...

Absolutely delicious - yummy!!!
This has given me hope that the warmer weather is not far away!!


cikanna said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
nadiah said...

count me in please..
love the washbag..and soap

email: sisnadiah[a]gmail[dot]com

Anonymous said...

Love it all!! (as always!) Thanks a lot for just continue organizing this type of things!
Please count me in too! :D


Sandra Wiese said...

Love your work - you are a daily fix for me! So glad that you can do this full time now - you are an inspiration! Sandra XXXX

LethargicLass said...

what a fun giveaway :)


Handige An said...

wow, this is really beautifull.
I would love to join.


Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

wow. aren't they just delightful. x x x


Rustyhammer said...

oooo soaps look lovey, and wash bag is super cute - love that stitched lolly!

Unknown said...

how cute - the wash bag and the soaps. Count me in!

Unknown said...

these are too cute - both the washbag and soaps.


Aku la said...

count me in!! i'm super love ur creations :)

Anonymous said...

Absolutely love love love love these, how adorable! Wish I'll be lucky ;-)


Annette said...


What an absolutely wonderful freebie. I would most certainly like a chance to win. Thank you kindly, Annette :)

Donnaraita said...

Ohhhhh beautiful giveaway......
The bag is fantastc. Thank you

misstrah said...

i love em!!
thanks :)

Chikosa said...

It's very great giveaway!!! Please, contact me at uliyanya@gmail(dot)com

Aminah said...

Awesome! Marvellous!
Hope there's a luck for me this time :)

I'm from Malaysia :)


Thank you.

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