Thursday, March 17, 2011

Raffle for Japan

I've been sat here staring at the screen trying to find some words to write about Japan and what the people of Japan might be going through.... But I can't....all my words seem so small.....instead I can talk about my prize & the raffle....I've joined Jo and lots of other bloggers because it's my small way of trying to make a difference and I hope you can join me and that together we can make some money, which I hope will help where it's needed.
The Prize....a Giant version of my storage box (so big it needs handles...and they needed giant ric rac, because they looked plain without it )

and the box comes full of crafty, colourful things ::

If you would like to win this prize (more photos below) please follow these instructions carefully and to the letter...this isn't the same as my freebie posts.
This is important and the rules must be followed.
To enter this raffle you need to make a donation of £5.
Go to Global Giving and make a donation of £5, when you have done that come back to this post and leave a comment with your receipt number and a valid email can write the email address like this :: youremail (at) youremailplace(dot) co (dot) uk
I will post the prize anywhere in the world so everyone is very welcome to enter.
You may enter as many times as you like but you need a new receipt number for every if you want to donate £20 (4 entries to the raffle) you need to donate £5 four times...get it? it's a bit clunky and not perfect but this way your money is being paid straight to the charity and it's simpler like that.
For help making a donation please look at this post on Jo's blog.
If you make a mistake or forget to add your email address please delete your first comment and re-write it.
The raffle closes at 1pm (UK time) on Saturday 26th March
I will write each entry onto a raffle ticket and the winner will be drawn by hand by a helpful volunteer (i.e. not me!!) I will require a copy of the receipt from the winner to prove the donation was made.
the raffle on this blog is being held in association with Jo's Blog :: A Bit of This and a Bit of That. We are in no way associated with global giving , that's just the way we have chosen to get funds safely to the affected area.
the contents of the's worth over £175 .... that's worth a £5 ticket isn't it?
Sewing Items
8x sewing threads, one of my owl kits, a handmade needle case and a handmade patchwork cushion close-up ::
9" felt rainbow, 5 spools of felt ric rac, a box with 35m of ribbons
3x white boxes of buttons (50g in each) tied up and packaged with giant buttons, a stack of 12 giant polka dot buttons
Hand made & cute Items
regular size felt box + tortoise, giraffe brooch, felt covered notebook, cupcake keyring, cupcake embellishments, orange Happy Tree decoration and 20 mini reels of Deco Tape

all packed inside this handmade storage box....everything will be wrapped and packed with care and delivered to the lucky winner by courier.
Thank you for reading...Thank you for donating...and Good Luck to everyone!


Unknown said...

Sarah that is amazing - you are very generous xx. I am always so impressed by how the crafting community pull together and help at times like these.
L x

Kerry said...

I have made a donation of £5, totally loving the craft bag and admire you for doing this xx

Total Billed: £5.00 GBP
Receipt Information
Date: March 17, 2011 07:11:44 PM EDT
Receipt #: R286962-GC775946-CBuk
Form of Payment: PayPal

Email : kerry_mackay(at)hotmail(dot)com

Thanks xx

Anonymous said...

Fabulous prize. As you say there are no words to describe the terrible news from Japan, it just seems to get worse.
I have made a donation and here is my receipt number
Receipt #: R286912-GC775853-CBuk
Thank you x

Closet Writer said...

Total Billed: £15.00 GBP
Receipt Information
Date: March 17, 2011 07:25:35 PM EDT
Receipt #: R287008-GC776017-CBuk
Form of Payment: Credit/Debit Card

I also have no words x

Pottering Pixie said...

Wonderful prize, and thank you for doing this.
I have made a £10 donation, for ONE entry to your draw.
Via PayPal.
17th March 2011
Receipt no:R286740-GC775628-CBuk
Email busypixie(at)aol(dot)com

Thanks again, Suex

Elaine said...

Total Billed: £5.00 GBP
Receipt Information
Date: March 17, 2011 07:42:04 PM EDT
Receipt #: R287052-GC776096-CBuk
Form of Payment: PayPal

What a lovely gesture Sarah!
May God be with the victims in Japan!



The AfterCraft said...

I woke up the morning of the earthquake on Tsunami alert, I live on Vancouver Island in British Columbia. It is all too real and very very scary.

We are due for a earthquake close to this scale at some point. My heart bleeds for Japan and my friend there. Thank you so doing this.

Total Billed: £5.00 GBP
Receipt Information
Date: March 17, 2011 09:32:29 PM EDT
Receipt #: R287345-GC776587-CBuk
Form of Payment: PayPal

sarah brazier

Anonymous said...

I will be happy also if I won't win 'cause there's no better cause to spend £5.


eri-ca at live it

PeggyCrafts said...

Wow, you're so generous Sarah, what a lovely prize.
Here are my receipt details:
Date: March 17, 2011 09:48:35 PM EDT
Receipt #: R287388-GC776653-CBuk
Form of Payment: Credit/Debit Card

helenvictoria17 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Thinking of everyone in Japan xx

JennyB said...

This is an amazing prize. Thankyou so much for doing this. Thinking of all the people in Japan.

Receipt details:

Date: March 17, 2011 10:27:27 PM EDT
Receipt #: R287497-GC776829-CBuk
Form of Payment: PayPal

Email address: jennybenfield(at)gmail(dot)com

Ali said...

It's great to see how many people are doing stuff to help Japan.

Total Billed: £5.00 GBP
Receipt Information
Date: March 17, 2011 10:58:43 PM EDT
Receipt #: R287566-GC776961-CBuk
Form of Payment: PayPal



Debbie and the Speaks said...

Wow, you are amazing for you doing this :)
Receipt #: R287676-GC777178-CBuk

Bagladee said...

Hi Sarah,

Total Billed: £5.00 GBP
Receipt Information
Date: March 18, 2011 12:10:21 AM EDT
Receipt #: R287726-GC777247-CBuk
Form of Payment: PayPal

Em xx

Cole's Corner said...

What a wonderful thing you are doing.
Like everyone else, I was sitting around heartbroken and desperate to help, but didn't know what to do. Thank you for bringing that organization to the light and giving me some way to help in the smallest way.

Total Billed: £15.00 GBP
Receipt Information
Date: March 18, 2011 12:30:03 AM EDT
Receipt #: R287769-GC777329-CBuk
Form of Payment: PayPal

lucy said...

Thank you for such a generous prize! You are amazing for doing this!

Total Billed: £5.00 GBP
Receipt Information
Date: March 18, 2011 01:12:08 AM EDT
Receipt #: R287846-GC777441-CBuk
Form of Payment: PayPal



Tegan said...

I'm so impressed with how the crafty community the world over has pulled together to help out Japan!

Total Billed: £5.00 GBP
Receipt Information
Date: March 18, 2011 01:54:44 AM EDT
Receipt #: R287893-GC777557-CBuk
Form of Payment: PayPal

There's my reciept... I'm off to make another donation or two! :-)

I don't envy you the job of writing out all those reciept numbers!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for doing this!

Receipt #: R288656-GC778949-CBuk
rw_i2k at yahoo de

FaFi op reis said...

I was looking for a place where i could donate thank you for doing this.

Total Billed: £5.00 GBP
Receipt Information
Date: March 18, 2011 03:52:48 PM EDT
Receipt #: R289286-GC779751-CBuk
Form of Payment: PayPal


i hope every little bit will help.

picciolo said...

Total Billed: £5.00 GBP
Receipt Information
Date: March 18, 2011 08:01:27 PM EDT
Receipt #: R289963-GC780883-CBuk

Hi Sisterini, what an amazing prize, I've donated to help you raise more but I don't think I should be entered to win! love you

ps I've blogged about your wonderful prize xxx

Sarah said...

Thanks for doing this, Ive spoken to all my friends and asked them to take part also

Total Billed £5.00 GBP
Receipt Information
Date: March 18, 2011 08:49:14 PM EDT
Receipt #: R290072-GC781088-CBuk
Form of Payment: PayPal


Anonymous said...

It's me again.
One beer less than usual for this week end and £ 5 more as a little help for Japan.

GIRLS WHERE ARE YOU ? I really hope to see as many comments as usually your freeebies have

I'll be back again before March 26.

Date: March 18, 2011 09:21:31 PM Receipt #: R290160-GC781211-CBuk

Anonymous said...

It's me again.
One beer less than usual for this week end and £ 5 more as a little help for Japan.

GIRLS WHERE ARE YOU ? I really hope to see as many comments as usually your freeebies have

I'll be back again before March 26.

Date: March 18, 2011 09:21:31 PM Receipt #: R290160-GC781211-CBuk

eri-ca (at) live (dot) it

LouLou said...

Sarah, it's a really generous and wonderful thing you are doing and I'm very pleased to be part of it - thank you!

Total Billed: £15.00 GBP
Receipt Information
Date: March 18, 2011 10:44:24 PM EDT
Receipt #: R290347-GC781501-CBuk
Form of Payment: PayPal


Yorkshire Quilter said...

Thanks for providing a great way to give - I've ticked the GiftAid box & urge everyone else to do the same so even more goes to the charity.

Total Billed: £5.00 GBP
Receipt Information
Date: March 18, 2011 11:31:37 PM EDT
Receipt #: R290465-GC781685-CBuk
Form of Payment: PayPal

liz(dot)merckel (at)

(lia) said...

This is awesome! Thanks for helping!

Total Billed: £5.00 GBP
Receipt Information
Date: March 19, 2011 01:22:46 AM EDT
Receipt #: R290640-GC781964-CBuk
Form of Payment: PayPal


Louise said...

Fantastic raffle.

Total Billed: £5.00 GBP
Receipt Information
Date: March 19, 2011 06:52:18 PM EDT
Receipt #: R291860-GC778565-CBuk
Form of Payment: Credit/Debit Card

globalgiving.20.shortlouise (at)

mia said...

Total Billed: £10.00 GBP
Receipt #: R292077-GC784401-CBuk

or in the other form (sorry got confused)

marlene said...

Thank you for this opportunity. It's great to see all the support for Japan. Your generosity is inspiring.

Date: March 20, 2011 03:51:47 AM EDT
Receipt #: R292494-GC785245-CBuk
Form of Payment: PayPal



marlene said...

Date: March 20, 2011 03:58:25 AM EDT
Receipt #: R292498-GC785258-CBuk
Form of Payment: PayPal

Here's my second entry ... I'll be back to donate more.


quiltdude said...

What a generous raffle prize, you are amazing.
I'm not entering this one as I donated my weeks grocery money to But I wish you all good luck and send love and hope to all those in Japan.
x Clare

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a prize - very generous of you.
Receipt number: R292726-GC785780-CBuk
Hope you help raise lots of money.
Linzi xx


nette said...

This really is a huge contribution. Thank you so much for taking part in Japan Quake Appeal! Hopefully, we can collect lots of donations.

Date: March 20, 2011 02:16:08 PM EDT
Receipt #: R292888-GC786108-CBuk


LethargicLass said...

Thanks so much for doing this...

Total Billed: £5.00 GBP
Receipt Information
Date: March 20, 2011 05:36:16 PM EDT
Receipt #: R293139-GC786529-CBuk
Form of Payment: PayPal


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for doing this for such a worthwhile course. Julie

I have donated £10 for one entry.

Total Billed: £10.00 GBP
Receipt Information
Date: March 20, 2011 07:42:05 PM EDT
Receipt #: R293314-GC786850-CBuk


Jennie said...

Thank you. <3
I am knitting squares which are to be made up into blankets to be sent out to Japan (through a facebook group). It always seems so small an action when there are so many awful things going on, but hopefully lots of small actions grouped together bring some comfort to the people of Japan xx

Total Billed: £5.00 GBP
Receipt Information
Date: March 20, 2011 08:11:12 PM EDT
Receipt #: R293357-GC786916-CBuk


Laura said...

What a great thing to do to raise money.

Receipt Information
Date: March 20, 2011 11:04:50 PM EDT
Receipt #: R293610-GC787213-CBuk

irishrainbow at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a brilliant raffle prize - so generous of you. I was going to make a donation anyway following this terrible disaster but your raffle has given me even more incentive to do so!

I've donated £50 and my receipt numbers are :

Receipt #: R294313-GC788877-CBuk
Receipt #: R294311-GC788875-CBuk
Receipt #: R294309-GC788872-CBuk
Receipt #: R294307-GC788869-CBuk
Receipt #: R294304-GC788863-CBuk
Receipt #: R294298-GC788856-CBuk
Receipt #: R294295-GC788854-CBuk
Receipt #: R294293-GC788848-CBuk
Receipt #: R294291-GC788839-CBuk
Receipt #: R287617-GC777064-CBuk

I hope you and other bloggers raise loads of money to help the people in Japan.


kv.w at virgin . net

Laura said...

Hope you raise loads xx
Total Billed: £5.00 GBP
Receipt Information
Date: March 21, 2011 05:31:26 PM EDT
Receipt #: R295005-GC789728-CBuk

irishrainbow at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

thank you for donating such a wonderful prize, for such a deserving cause. I have donated £10 for one entry.
Receipt#: R295112-GC789927-CBuk

aanniel24 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

What a fantastic idea and what a fantastic prize!

Entry one:
Date: March 21, 2011 09:08:28 PM EDT
Receipt #: R295453-GC790499-CBuk

Angie said...

beautiful prize for a very worthy cause.i have made a donation and my details are as follows.
Date march 21st 2011
recipt R295442-GC790480-CBuk

keep up the good work you are a star.

Mazzalou said...

What a worthy cause, and a wonderful prize. You are so generous!

I have donated, here is my receipt:

Total Billed: £5.00 GBP
Receipt Information
Date: March 21, 2011 09:09:05 PM EDT
Receipt #: R295455-GC790494-CBuk
Form of Payment: PayPal


Mari said...

I've made a donation here is the
receipt #: R295573-GC790685-CBuk

Manu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Manu said...

Hi sweet Sara!
It's for several days I thought about how best to help Japan in this terrible time ..
Thank you for reporting .. and thank you for your generous prize! You are very special!
I made ​​the donation .. Here are the details
Receipt Information
Date: March 21, 2011 10:41:49 PM EDT
Receipt #: R295606-GC790724-CBuk
Form of Payment: PayPal

Hugs to you .. and a prayer for Japan


Sorry for my bad english.. =^__^=

Anonymous said...

a lovely spring day here in Milan ... it makes me feel fine ... and here, other £5 that I hope will make feel better, with all the other donations, someone else...

Total Billed: £5.00 GBP
Receipt Information
Date: March 21, 2011 11:15:06 PM EDT
Receipt #: R295643-GC790810-CBuk
Form of Payment: PayPal

eri-ca (at) live (dot) it

Bagladee said...

Back again for a second go :D

Total Billed: £5.00 GBP
Receipt Information
Date: March 21, 2011 11:51:30 PM EDT
Receipt #: R295688-GC790894-CBuk
Form of Payment: PayPal

Unknown said...

Entry two: (I tried to post this last night but didn't seem to come up so apologies if it appears twice)

Receipt Information
Date: March 21, 2011 09:10:38 PM EDT

Receipt #: R295458-GC790507-CBuk
Form of Payment: Credit/Debit Card

allison said...

I don't know about anyone else but I'm fearful of turning the news on these days...craft keeps me sane in a mad world. xx

Total Billed: £5.00 GBP
Receipt Information
Date: March 22, 2011 06:45:00 PM EDT
Receipt #: R296871-GC792921-CBuk
Form of Payment: PayPal

love and warm thoughts to all
Allison :)


Jane said...

What a great idea!

Receipt no: R296959-GC793072-CBuk

jelee (((((dot)))) jane //at// yahoo ((((dot)))) com

Anonymous said...

A fantastic way of raising money and a really lovely prize

Total Billed: £5.00 GBP
Receipt Information
Date: March 22, 2011 11:42:32 PM EDT
Receipt #: R297255-GC793577-CBuk
Form of Payment: PayPal


C said...

A fantastic way to support a very worthy cause!

Total Billed: £5.00 GBP
Receipt Information
Date: March 23, 2011 12:59:40 PM EDT
Receipt #: R297785-GC776590-CBuk
Form of Payment: PayPal

back up email address: ctriant [at] yahoo [dot] com

Diane said...

What a generous prize Sarah!

Hopefully we can all raise lots and lots of cash for people in need.

Please count me in for one ticket too!

Receipt #: R297799-GC792228-CBuk

diane_aoto (at) yahoo (dot) co (dot) uk

Anonymous said...

From Julie MacDonald

Receipt Ref: R298235-GC795149-CBuk


what a generous way of raising much needed funds. i love your crafts

Anonymous said...

Total Billed: £5.00 GBP
Receipt Information
Date: March 23, 2011 05:54:01 PM EDT
Receipt #: R298269-GC795211-CBuk
Form of Payment: PayPal


Sarah- So nice of you to be thinking of others. :)

Jenny said...

Such an amazing & generous raffle prize! Was so glad to give.

Receipt #: R298308-GC795257-CBuk


Elsa said...

This is an amazing opportunity! It is by far the best raffle prize I have ever seen, and such a generous idea. It makes me want to do the same on my blog, only I don't have anything to offer. I will have to think about it!

Total Billed: £5.00 GBP
Receipt Information
Date: March 24, 2011 10:49:20 AM EDT
Receipt #: R298975-GC796538-CBuk
Form of Payment: PayPal

Thanks for entering me!

Lynne Parker said...

What a brilliant idea, I hope you raise tons and tons! Love your work

Receipt #: R299404-GC797214-CBuk

lynne (at) hartbeeps (dot) com

jojoebi-designs said...

Thank you so much for your generosity Sarah and joining in with the appeal.
here is my ticket...
Total Billed: £5.00 GBP
Receipt Information
Date: March 25, 2011 11:47:09 AM EDT
Receipt #: R300015-GC798386-CBuk
Form of Payment: PayPal

Anonymous said...

From Julie MacDonald

I'm putting in another entry - can't resist!!




Stephanie said...

Wow! This is a beautiful prize. I know that my daughters would love to do some of this stuff with me! :)
Total Billed: £6.00 GBP
Receipt Information
Date: March 25, 2011 02:34:06 PM EDT
Receipt #: R300135-GC798545-CBuk
Form of Payment: PayPal

Ly said...

this is so worthwhile and fun!
here's another entry from me!

Receipt Information
Date: March 25, 2011 02:59:56 PM EDT
Receipt #: R300181-GC798591-CBuk
Form of Payment: PayPal
User Information:
Ly Hoang
jascharess at yahoo dot com

Julia said...

You are so generous to a great cause Sarah, so many fab goodies to be had! xx

Receipt Information
Date: March 25, 2011 06:33:46 PM EDT
Receipt #: R300422-GC798978-CBuk
Form of Payment: Credit/Debit Card

GSGC StrongFamily said...

Thanks for a chance to win something so beautiful and fun!

garynbrina (at) hotmail (dot) com

Total Billed: £5.00 GBP
Receipt Information
Date: March 25, 2011 09:42:55 PM EDT
Receipt #: R300562-GC799223-CBuk
Form of Payment: PayPal

GSGC StrongFamily said...

Here is my 2nd donation:

Mar. 25, 2011 13:39:26 PDT
Transaction ID: 26R57082F25542034

Hello Sabrina Strong,

You sent a payment of £5.00 GBP to GlobalGiving UK (


GSGC StrongFamily said...


Total Billed: £5.00 GBP
Receipt Information
Date: March 25, 2011 09:50:52 PM EDT
Receipt #: R300564-GC799228-CBuk
Form of Payment: PayPal


GSGC StrongFamily said...


Total Billed: £5.00 GBP
Receipt Information
Date: March 25, 2011 09:56:55 PM EDT
Receipt #: R300568-GC799238-CBuk
Form of Payment: PayPal


GSGC StrongFamily said...


Total Billed: £5.00 GBP
Receipt Information
Date: March 25, 2011 10:58:08 PM EDT
Receipt #: R300603-GC799300-CBuk
Form of Payment: PayPal



Clare said...

Total Billed: £5.00 GBP
Receipt Information
Date: March 26, 2011 07:58:36 AM EDT
Receipt #: R300739-GC799648-CBuk
Form of Payment: Credit/Debit Card

eclareowen (at) btinternet (dot) com

fab idea! Hope you continue to get lots of entries! It is truly horrific what Japan is enduring right now, but am comforted by actions such as yours. C x

Family Scott said...

What a great idea! i have only recently found your blog. I love it, beautiful crafts!

Total Billed: £5.00 GBP
Receipt Information
Date: March 26, 2011 10:44:59 AM EDT
Receipt #: R300772-GC799735-CBuk
Form of Payment: PayPal


Best wishes
Shona x