Saturday, December 18, 2010

stock taking

These shelves are now super-tidy. I have been through everything...filling up where I can and counting and stock taking the website. I'm trying to get all the jobs on my list done so I can relax over Christmas...tomorrow I shall stock take all my made items...and next week I still have a felt delivery to put away, more rainbows to make, and a sewing room with felt everywhere that felt shouldn't be...but I am determined that I will have a tidy workshop to return to after the holidays!


Anonymous said...

Wow that is IMPRESSIVE!

Jessica said...

So many beautiful things... would it be alright if I moved in?

home made gorgeous said...

Such lovely lovely things....x

Sheila said...

organisation!!! Yowza!! But can i move in too, i wouldnt be much help but i would oooh and aaaah an awful lot!

Bete Alves said...

Lindíssimos os seus trabalhos. Amei.
Desejo-lhe um Feliz Ano Novo com muita saúde, paz e alegria.
Um grande beijo.
Espero sua visita:

Two Wednesdays said...

Oh that looks lovely - I would be no good though, I would spend all my time admiring it and would be heartbroken to let any of it go!