Sunday, February 07, 2010

winners announced

thank you to everyone who entered the freebie is truly lovely to read all your comments.
As always I have used the random number generator gadget to pick my winners ::

1. comment number 158
Vintage-colours who said :: I love to look at your blog! So much inspiration...And at the last moment I want to join to the wonderful give-away. greetz,Jedidja (Belgium)
2. comment number 17
ClaireP who said ::
LOVE-ly prizes as usual Sarah! ;)xx

3. comment number 105
smilernpb who said :: Oooh lovely.Please enter me too.Best wishes x
4. comment number 107
Rachael who said ::
The heart magnets are lovely!

5. comment number 55
trasha who said :: Think the world could do with a bit more love - these hearts are perfct.

I will send an email to the winners with details on how to claim their prizes :-)

I've been busy sewing today, finishing an order for 24 cupcakes which I have packed into some of my new packaging ::

gloriously glossy white boxes

I've ordered loads of new packaging items but haven't unpacked them yet because (drum roll please!) I am moving workshops!!

I've now completed the paperwork and handed in my notice to my current landlord so it's time to spill the beans here!....I've been busting to tell you but didn't want to jinx it :-)
I've been in my current workshop for 9 months and I still love it, but this new workshop is a nice price and it's twice the size of the current it's closer to home, work & the Post Office ...I'll be able to go there before AND after work at the day job and it will mean lots more time freed up so I can sew, sew, sew!!
I'm picking up the keys tomorrow so will take some photos to show the moment it's being used for storage so the photos won't be pretty!
I told you it was exciting news didn't I????

I have emailed 3 winners, the other 2 are not contactable...Rachael and Trasha (sorry Trash, don't think it's you ) if you click the names in the winners list it links to their profiles, so if anyone knows them and can tell them they have won please pass on the news...if I haven't made contact with them by Wednesday I will pick 2 new this space!


PeggyCrafts said...

Congratulations and good luck in your new workshop! I'm sure you'll have it filled with all those lovely smily goodies v.soon
Helen x (peggycrafts)

Unknown said...

Congratulations...tomorrow ...the world :D

Sarah said...

Now that is exciting news, I can't wait to see it in all its glory full of all your yummyness xxx

LoloDesigns said...

Wow that is great news! You must be chuffed to bits. Can't to see some piccies. Have fun with it:o) xx

atelierbombocado said...

Congratulations and good luck for tomorrow...the best of luck!!!
sorry i didn't won...maybe next month!!!
congratulations to the winners of today!!!

sassypackrat said...

Wow! How exciting! Can't wait to see the new workshop and also what wonderfully creative things you do to it to make it your own!

ClaireP said...

Sqqqquuuuueeeeee! Can't believe I got picked by the lovely random number generator! ♥

Congratulations on the new workshop. You'll be able to fill it with even more yummy felt and buttons to tempt me with! :)


Sarah said...

Ooh exciting! Congrats on getting your new workshop!

trash said...

Is that me?!?!

dottycookie said...

Oooh, how exciting! Hope the move goes very smoothly.

araleling said...

Congratulation, you've gone a long way :D all the best~!!!!

jeane said...

congrats on your new shop! double the joys for celebrating February.

My life with MND said...

Oh my goodness! How excited am I to recieve your e-mail! Thank you so much! xx

Bagladee said...

OMG!!! That is sooooo exciting!!! Cant wait to see :D xx

Julia said...

How exciting, I bet you can't wait to get in and make it all felt-y!! Can't wait to see the photos. xx

Rachael said...

Oooh I won :)
Thought my email was linked to this account, but obviously not - I'll try sending an email!

Lorraine said...

Exciting indeed - there's never a dull moment with you Sarah!
Hope all went well today and really look forward to seeing how you get on in your new felt heaven!
By the way, those cupcakes look scrummy :-)