If you're a regular round these parts you will know I have been working 6 days a week in my day job for quite a few weeks now & handmade goodies will have to wait for the next freebie!

So this months freebie prize is a set of felt ric rac...that's right SIX whole spools of the stuff...one in every colour I have.
As usual, all you need to do to enter is leave a comment on this very post, I post worldwide so everyone is welcome to enter...the ONLY rule is that I can contact you via your comment :-)
Easy as that!
I am trembling with excitement over the rick rack!!
mmm, felt rikrac! :) I could go for that. It looks delicious!
The ricrac is really fab and so unusual.
Somebody is going to be extremely lucky - hope it's me!!
I didn't know you could get felt ric rac! How exciting!
What a fab giveaway, ricrac rocks!!!
xxx Steph
ps. daughter loved the owl set she got in her stocking and is trying to make up her mind what to spend her pocket money on next from your website!!
I like this!!!
XXX Sara
Poor you having to work so hard and not have time for any sewing! Ric rac is fantastic - I love it! :O)
Loving the felt ric rac - I'm a lurker who has come out of hiding for the first time in the hope of winning some! Hope you don't mind. Love your blog.
Ooh what lovely felty ric rac!
I ordered some of your felt recently and was so impressed with how quickly it arrived. I did some sewing with it yesterday and it is quite beautiful to use :-)
Oh oh, I need that ric rac!!!!
Please let it be me this time !!!!
Love those iron on flowers by the way, will be buying some of them me thinks xxx
Felt ric rac is near impossible to find in these pars (Malaysia) so I really hope I win :)
Oooh felt ric ric -how fab. It would look great around the bottom of the corduroy skirt I'm making!
gosh I have never seen felt ric rac - it's lovely
I love that ric rac - I have never seen felt ric rac before - I would love to win it
Oh I have conveted this ric rac since you added it to your shop. I especially like the green and pink together!!! Please count me in!
oooooo! How could I possibly resist this one!
YAY! for felt! :)
me, pick me!
i love your felt ric-rac
Wow, what a fab freebie or should I say freebies!! This ric rac is gorgeous. x
Lovely :)
I could find lots of things to attach that gorgeousness too :)
Fab freebie
Oooh lovely ric rac! What a gorgeous freebie! I love it!
Luve Em x
Mmmm felt Ric Rac!!!! Oh the things you could make... I've recently bought some very exciting material from Fabric Rehab (at your suggestion) and the ric rac would go beautifully with it.
I hope the snow hasn't effected you, or if it has, that its meant you've been able to do more crafting.
Take care xx
Oh wow! I've never seen felt ric rac before! I hope I win!
Oooh! felt ricrac :) Me please!
I am currently obesessed with ribbon and felt, so this is a natural ... Love your stuff!
~ gem ~
Ooh, I love the ric rac.
It's my birthday today too, so if you pick me i will be very happy! :P
thank you for another give-away!!! All the best in your busy busy job (I am stuck on my busy busy dissertation..huh) :)
What lovely, yummy, felty colours!
I love your website and blog. I received my first parcel from you last week - thank you. This is my very first give-away entered - oh such fun and excitement :-)
I love ric rac, use heaps of it, what a fabbo giveaway!
oooooooh so pretty! pick me pick me! hehehe xx
You are so generous! Every colour? Yay! Count me in, I'd love to win! These would be perfect for embellishing, say...owls? lol
Ooooh, I was so jealous when you took delivery of these ribbons as they are so yummy! Now maybe they can be mine? Maybe? Fingers crossed!!
Thanks xxx
Love the felt ricrac- especially the lime green!
I love to use more and more felt. Never would have thought this would happen.
Well you've got to be in it to win it haven't you!
I've been watching your blog for a while now, and I feel bad that this is the first time I've commented... but free stuff! :) That's lovely. And the things you make are always lovely as well!
I love this ric rac! Hope I win!
I'm drooling over that Ric Rac! Ideas, ideas, ideas!! :D
Yummy Ric Rac, I love the colours. I'd love to win!!
Andrea xx
Ooh...this is great. Count me in.
Did you say FELT ric rac????? How could I resist? Add my name to the pot!
I used to use ric rack at school. It's nice that wavy ribbon is still so popular. I love it!
sohaniee @ yahoo.co.uk
Uix! Ric rac felt would be great for my crafts.
U are ggggreat!!!
Coolness! Thanks for the opportunity!
wow this ric rak is gorgeous i cane think of so many uses mmm
the ric rac looks lovely.. and vibrant too! put my name in the hat/number in the generator.
That is sooooo cute!!! Count me in!
Fingers crossed!!!!! That is the greatest felty goodness ever.
This stuff looks so fun!
what a great giveaway. that ric-rac is just calling my name. if i don't win i may just have to go out and buy some!!!
i love felt ric rac - yes please!
I know how it goes when work gets in the way of crafting! It's lovely that you're still doing a give-a-way. I've never even seen felt ric rac before! How neat!
OOOOH How I want that felt ric-rac. I love your blog. I check it frequently to see what new yumminess you have come up with. You are so creative and make such adorable items.
WOW another great giveaway from yourself Sarah. I've never used felt ric rac before, but I bet I'd have fun experimenting with it :) xx
felt ric rac... amazing... gotta get me some of that....
Felt. And rickrack. Together. How could I possibly resist entering? I can't. Thanks again, I'll bet you sell out of that stuff in a jiffy!
Oh yes please - what a fab freebie!
Sheena x
Weeee,wat beautiful ric rac!! I hope you can catch your breath soon!
Ohh lovely felt ric rac - count me in!
Ric rac and made from felt. That's my idea of heaven!
Ruthie x
Me Me Me!!!! What a fab giveaway! :)
Wow, felt rick rack...I never even knew such a wonderful thing existed! Thanks for hosting a wonderful giveaway!
Scrummy! What a great give away!
Feel a bit naughty as I've won before, but ric rac and felt are two of my favourite things, so I can't possibly resist a combo! :o)
Ooohhh!! Lovely ric rac and in felt!!
The possibilities!
What lovely stuff!!! I think I'd just sit and stroke it if I were lucky enough to win :)
Twiggy x
Throwing my name into the ring. Oh wow, what a great giveaway!
have just stumbled over your blog by accident - being a crafty blogger i was plesantly surprised to find not just a great blog but a blog with the potential for a freebie. Don't suppose i stand a chance being number sixty something but you can but try!
ohh love ric rak
the ric rac is gorgeous. I've never seen anything like it. Your work is beautiful too.
*~FELT~* ric rac? Di-VINE.
Felt ric rac is the best! I have been lurking around your blog for months. You are very creative and make the cutest decorations!
Wow! I love felt, I love ric-rac, I don't think it gets any better than this!
lob105 at psu dot edu
Pretty please count me in. I'm another lurker that is putting my hand up. :) Love your blog.
Are you serious?
That is so generous of you!
oh waweeee, i didn't know they made felt rick-rack trims well you gotta admit anything felt is a winner, you just fall in love from first site.. and i think i did and all felt are taking over my life and house lol
pweeeeeeeeez pick me, i gotta have then i just do ;)))
Two of my favorite things: felt and rick-rack. Perfect! And those colors are delish.
Ohh! So pretty! I want it! I want it now! My e-mail is indierocking@yahoo.com.
Lovely, lovely, lovely, and so is your blog!
KarenLizzie at backofboots.freeserve.co.uk
wonderful giveaway, please add me to the draw :) XX
what would I do with the ric rac. I shall get thinking, just in case I am the lucky one!
wow, this is so ric rack fab, all the lovley things i cold make with this what a lovely give away. x x lyn
soooo adorable ric rack! love them all
wow! love the colors..
I wonder if we have any in Indonesia..
count me in, please..
thank you..
so cute! i'd love to creat with this!
oh, I want that ;)))))
my flickr account: anocas@work
aaaaaahhh! how fabulous are those ric rac?! count me in pretty pls :)
felt + ric rac = LOVE!
Who knew such a wonderful thing as felted rick rack existed... well now that I do, I must have some...please
I need some felt rick rack! Please count me in too.
Wow...how generous of you! Thank you so much for letting me enter!
What a lovely idea to have a give away! Judging by your blog you single handedly keep the Royal Mail in business! I think I'm gonna have to buy some of your ribbon, it's well yummy!
Felt & ric rac - a match made in heaven!!
oh gosh.. felt ric rac - does it stand up to lots of stroking? and how generous of you.
oh gosh.. felt ric rac - does it stand up to lots of stroking? and how generous of you.
oh gosh... to keen. Sorry!
oh gosh... to keen. Sorry!
Love reading your blog, felt ric-rac - lovely colours.
Ive never owned ric-rac and hadent even heard about it until i started reading blogs! Felt ric-rac???!!! Wow, now that is new to me!
What fabulous ric rac, in such delicious colours!
I've never seen felt ric rac before - count me in!
Oops, it's sunday today - am I to late? Really like the look of felty ric rac...
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