
Friday, February 29, 2008

John's home....

hooray!! John is home :-)
he's on the phone at the moment so thought I'd quickly pop by and post the pictures I took this morning ::

A pile of orders waiting to be packed, I just thought the happy trees looked cute!

I had a parcel of brooch bars waiting for me...normal size and itty bitty weeny ones! Don't they look cute!

I have bagged up the big ones, but not the little baby ones ::I also got a parcel of buttons, which I love :-)No cupcake news today.....I am boring myself now ;-)

Thursday, February 28, 2008


As you all know, I quite like putting things in boxes and being a bit organised. I do it with my emails too, including the comments I receive via this blog. This morning I opened the comments file and started to read through them again and was about to start replying, except lots of them didn't have reply-able here is a whole blog dedicated to answers :-)

Kitty has left a new comment on your post "ribbons and labels":
:-O Shouldn't you wean yourself off slowly? That 'going cold turkey' sounds a bit dangerous to me.Hope you enjoy the dvds. x

Claire P has left a new comment on your post "ribbons and labels":
OMG! No sewing?! How did you cope? Even when we watch tv/movies I still have to either hand sew something or knit! x

Katy has left a new comment on your post "ribbons and labels":
I bet you did a little bit of sewing!Fab labels - even more so for being freebies - lucky girl!!!

Katy was right!! I watched about 40 minutes of the film and then got itchy fingers!!

serendipitylovesnewyork has left a new comment on your post "Sunday Shout About :: LoobyLu":
what a great idea! where do you get your gorgeous ribbon from? I keep finding the same types of it, yours are fab xx

bitesizecards has left a new comment on your post "ribbons and labels":
would you look at all that beautiful ribbon! american crafts is wonderful :)

Yep, most of my favourite ribbons are by American Crafts. What can I say...I love patterned grosgrain ribbon (in fact I placed an order for some today, from a site I've not used before so I shall wait to see what happens before I point you in it's direction!)

Artworks has left a new comment on your post "Sunday Shout About :: LoobyLu":
Really nice idea. Will tune in every week

jo2308 has left a new comment on your post "Sunday Shout About :: LoobyLu":
Love the idea of a Sunday Shout Out. funnily enough I'd just discovered Loubylu this week for the first time - spooky!

I'm pretty chuffed that people liked my little idea of a Sunday Shout About, I hope you all had fun over at LoobyLu's!!

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "too much cake":
Can you tell us who the big order is for?

'Fraid not! Tis top secret ;-)

Little Lovables has left a new comment on your post "too much cake":
wow, you have a good system going there! from one felt critter maker to another, I applaud you!

*blush* ps: I took a peek at your shop and your felt critters are CUTE :-)

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "felt flowers":
lol...I love that we get "cupcake news" if someone asks me "did you see the news today?", I can answer "yes, yes, she's sewing the ribbons on"Smiles, DianeM :)

Well, Today's news is I am sewing on the icings...but that sounds really strange doesn't it?? haha!!

dottycookie has left a new comment on your post "eating, sleeping, dreaming cupcakes":
680 cupcakes. Good grief woman!Your books look very pretty lined up like that!

Good grief indeed!! Monkee Maker has summed it up beautifully:

Monkee Maker has left a new comment on your post "too much cake":
Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake ......... just trying to help you out with your cakes .... but I'm bored now - God knows how you must feel!Keep up the good cakey work:)ps. A very beautiful flower from Nia, and yes, it looks fab on your bag!

and then I read this and felt a lot in: I'm only making 680 and you're making HOW many???

bitesizecards has left a new comment on your post "eating, sleeping, dreaming cupcakes":
i especially enjoyed this entry! we know exactly how you feel. my sister and i cut cupcakes out of cardstock every day & night. we need about 3000.LOL.we just took a break from cutting and stumbled upon your blog. everything is fabulous! :)

now that is a LOT of cupcakes :-)

Michaele has left a new comment on your post "eating, sleeping, dreaming cupcakes":
Visually yummy! Here's a question (perhaps an odd one): how often do you have to sharpen your scissors?

Ummmm, Never!! My felt scissors were originally my fabric scissors (way back in my uni days) and when they got blunt they transferred to being my paper scissors and now they are felt scissors. I have a lot of scissors, one pair for: fabric, pinking fabric, paper, pinking paper, strong card, felt, packing...oh and a crappy pair for when John says 'can I borrow your scissors' haha!!
So if you have one pair of scissors for each and every job you'll not need to sharpen them...

Chin Yee has left a new comment on your post "John's away again":
Hi there,I am so inspired by your cute and yummy felt products! It makes me think about the wonderful things I can make for my little boy. However, I afraid I would need a little advise from you concerning felt before I begin my felting journey. Prior to this, I had purchase some cheap felt from a craft store and I sewed a small heart shaped cushion for my boy for Valentine's Day. The surface of the felt become furry after just a day. So I am wondering which kind of felt should I use? Are the felt that you are carrying on your web suitable? I'd tried checking online but there's quite a few different kind of felt, and the prices varies alot too. So could you help a felt newbie here?

I'm never one to turn down a felt addict in the making!! I started out using acrylic craft felt from my local shop and found it quite pleasing but as I progressed I stumbled upon wool mix felt and from that day I was's so much nicer to sew, your stitches can't rip through like they can with acrylic felt, and it feels so nice to handle whilst making things. The other biggest differences for me are the way it looks, I think acrylic felt can be shiny and I don't like that, and I like that I can iron my wool mix felt....sewing always looks better after a good press! oh, and wool mix is great for machine stitching too :-)
I haven't used 100% wool felt because the price is prohibitive for my goodies ... but I'll never say never!

Mamma Millan has left a new comment on your post "Sunday Shout About :: LoobyLu":
Hello, Sweden here!! What a lovely blogg you svit!!So nice things!Thanks for the visit!!God Evening Millan

Hello Sweden! Thanks for popping by and saying Hi!

Hi Sarah,
So glad you like the flower- it looks great on your bag!
You must look at this little chap- he's mini-baby-tiny Cecil:
Love n hugs,
Nia xoxo

He is a definite cutie :-)

Now I'm all answered out!! Tomorrow they'll be pictures I promise :-)

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

too much cake

:: Ribbons done :: :: Ribbons to be done tonight ::

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

felt flowers

look what arrived for me
it's from my friend Nia
Doesn't it make my bag look more cheerful and spring like? Thanks Nia, guess what? I lOVE it :-)

In cupcake news :: I'm still stitching the ribbons on.....

Monday, February 25, 2008

John's away again

This morning John left for another week working away. Hopefully this will be the last week!
I got up at 5.15am to say goodbye and stayed awake but I wasn't able to wake up!!!
So even though I have been up for way longer than normal I am so dis-organised today!!
As a result I am recycling a photo of cupcakes ::

...I took a leaf out of monkee makers book and have 'fiddled' with it in Picasa...if you fancy a cupcake they are in my etsy shop now :-)

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sunday Shout About :: LoobyLu

Two things happened this week...the first is I spent a LOT of time sewing so I had a lot of thinking time too...the second is that the first ever blog I read has been ressurected.

This got me thinking about my blog, my etsy shop and my flickr and really the whole craft/computer thing in general, and how much I like it all!

So I decided that I am going to turn my Sunday Blog posts into a place where I can share my favourite computer-crafty places.

There will most certainly be a mixture of flickr photos, etsy shops, supplies shops and of course blogs galore. I'm not suggesting that they will be new found places but just places that I love to hang around in, and I hope you'll like them too!

So my first ever Sunday Shout About is LoobyLu

LoobyLu is the first ever blog I discovered, I hadn't heard of blogs before and I was entranced from the word go. I religiously clicked on every link in Loobylu's blogroll and most of those blogs are still in my bloglines list today. Loobylu took a blogging break in February last year and has just started to post again, I was a serious blog lurker then (although I didn't know what a lurker was!!) I'm glad her blog is back :-)

Saturday, February 23, 2008

ribbons and labels

Hoorah!! Something to blog about which isn't a cupcake ::
On Monday I received an email via my website from a company asking if I would like to try their labels on my craft products...who am I to turn down a freebie??? so I ordered some and they duly arrived ::

I chose to have :: paper-and-string :: made by hand :: on them, don't they look smart?

The WOW factor of these labels is that half of them are to iron onto fabric and they are machine washable and the other half of them are for other products and can be put in the dishwasher!!

I have yet to use them but once I have I'll let you know what I think :-)

In the world of cupcakes I have finished preparing the ribbons, ready to be sewn on ::

John and I are planning a night in with DVD's and homemade pizzas, and no sewing whatsoever *gasp* !!!

Friday, February 22, 2008

button sewing

I fear I am becoming a bit dull....all I can talk about is cupcakes, cupcakes, cupcakes....

...the buttons are sewn on......

In non-cupcake related news :: John is coming home today hooray!!!!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

eating, sleeping, dreaming cupcakes

The cupcakes are going well ::

340 (i'm doing half at a time because the entire order is for 680) all cut out (boy, did my hand ache) and now all with their brad 'sprinkles' ... I think i'm only getting through them this quickly because John is away!!

Today was my day off the day job. I actually took a few hours off from the cupcakes and managed to photograph some felt books I had finished a while ago.

I always think my product photos are a bit dull. So today I tried to do something a bit different...and I quite like it!

I did have to hide our inherited woodchip-painted-white-with-10-coats-of-paint wallpaper with a nice sleek sheet of brilliant white card, but sshhh, don't give away my secrets!! HAHA!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

buttons everywhere

You know when you go to a school fayre or country village fete they have those competitions to guess the weight of a cake, name of a teddy or how many coins are in a jar?

Well, guess how many buttons are in this pot....

It doesn't look like many does it?

Actually there are 350!

such lovely cupcake-y colours :-)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I've got Worms !!

HA HA !!
I made my worm.....

He can stand up in a wiggly worm pose all by himself (only the cleverest worms can do that you know!)

:: I got some pretty eyes and added a little smiley mouth ::

:: worms! ::

In other news, here is the wool I bought yesterday...

...I have packed it away though, so I can crack on with my cupcake order...which is moving along quite nicely, I've cut out quite a few already...

Monday, February 18, 2008

A super long day...

John left for his week away at 5:15 am. I insisted he woke me so I could say goodbye, but once he'd got on his way I was wide awake and thought my time could be put to some good use :-) So this morning I knitted my 'worm' and put the finishing stitches in these cupcakes!
I felt a little Christmassy when I was packing up all these parcels....most are the freebies, so if you won then your prize is on it's way...

Yesterday I finished knitting my 2nd green square, and i've just got back from buying some more wool.....I intend to make a softie of some description!!This evening I shall be sitting on the sofa in a panic. I just had an order confirmed for a minimum of 340 cupcakes, maybe upto 680! The main reason for the panic is they need to be delivered by 17th March.....aaaaaahhhhhhh!!! Goodness me that is a lot of cupcakes! In my head I am skipping over the cutting out part and the sewing part and concentrating on the photos at the end....that many cupcakes will look SO cool !!!
I'm off to tidy away all my WIPs and make room for a mini cupcake making factory.....

Sunday, February 17, 2008

A Productive Sunday

Today was a good crafting day :-)

I finished off some felt patch pieces...I still need to do the final layer of background but they are nearly done ::

I also did some more knitting ::

It's only 9 stitches across and I randomly changed the order I stitched in to make it have stripes...I was going to sew it up down the long side and make a worm BUT it seems Mr. Monkey has taken a shine to it...

Cute ! (although I still think I'll make a worm!)

I received an email yesterday from a fellow crafter who does what I'm sure we all do and saves pictures of her favourite things. Well she had saved a picture of my monkey and made one for a little boys 1st birthday, but then she saw my copyright statement and felt bad and thought she'd best let me know! Isn't that lovely? Here is her monkey ::

Such a cutie :-)

This week I received a Blog award, once from Picciolo (my sister!) and once from Indigo Blue

The Award rules are:* Post the award on your own blog.(Post who gave it to you)*Indicate its original link and link to that site. (Arte Y Pico from Uruguay)*Give the award to 5 other blogs that you enjoy, find creative and inspire you.

Since I'm quite slow at responding it seems lots of people have already received this award. If you haven't then consider yourselves nominated ;-)

John is working away this week and I am home alone in a lounge full of felt and wool, expect lots of pictures!!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

knitting pink

Two smaller squares today ::
Today was very busy in the shop and John and I are out tonight with friends so not a lot going on craft-wise!!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Back in the swing of things

I'm back in my old routine again (the pre-holiday one)
:: Get up :: Get ready for work :: Respond to emails :: read blogs for a bit too long :: rush my breakfast :: process orders (if i have any) :: take photos for blog :: go to work :: go to Post Office (if I need to) :: Blog :: Flickr :: Sew ::

I love my craft-y based routine!!

The only trouble is I have to find room for knitting too!!

Look at what I made yesterday!! I went to my local Fabric Shop (the one that hasn't heard of Moda!) and found this lovely cotton wool by Rowan. It had 50p off per ball so I got my two most used colours, I love green and always use a lot of pink. The 'square' is 6" across and 61/2" high. OOps. It's not perfect but i'm pretty chuffed!! It took me 2.5 hours so tonight i'm going to do a smaller square (hopefully it will be square!) I have no idea what this square will become but right now I don't mind! I have big ideas like knitting a blanket made of squares, and a green jumper with a hood would be nice....or maybe I could specialise in knitting flannels (the not-quite-square ones!) !! LOL ;-)

I've been awarded a blog award but shall post about that tomorrow....I was too excited about my knitting to blog that today!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Freebie Winners Announced

The draw is closed, the winners have been randomly picked (thanks to a handy number generator!) I'm very surprised that there were 68 entries this month!! So much so that I have decided to have a few runners up prizes, which are Valentine Themed!!
The winning nummbers are::

:: 35 :: 40 :: 5 :: 25 :: 19 :: 60 ::

I've counted my way through the comments list and

1st Prize goes to :: 35:: SARA who said 'can i have a go please'

2nd prize goes to :: 40 :: JENNY who said 'ooh, I would love a soft and fuzzy notebook to pet and write in!' **sorry jenny, your link won't work, let me know what your site is and i'll add it**

3rd prize goes to :: 5 :: KITTY who said 'Gosh - that's a coincidence, I've been working on a felt covered notebook this week too! But yours are much nice, so count me in :-D x'

The runner-uppers are ::

:: 25 :: CRAFTYB who said 'Loving the colours of those notebooks!! xx'

:: 19 :: KATY who said ' I shall not be polite....I just WANT THEM ALL, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...and shall stalk you unless I win'

:: 60 :: STEPHANIE who said 'As are all your creations, those are really cute!'

Please can all the winners email their addresses to me at sarah {@}

Thanks, and well done to the winners :-)

Happy Valentines day everybody, remember to pop back next month for another freebie day :-)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Back at home

Time for a photo-filled catch up!
This is Bigbury Beach, which Mum, Dad, Nan and I visited on Monday (the photo is courtesy of Dad's album because I left my camera behind!)
and I had to add this one because it's funny....this is Bigbury last year when the tide was coming in and the driver of the van thought he could conquer nature!! The sea, when the tide is in, seperates Bigbury from Burgh Island (famous for a Poirot film, amongst other things) which is reached via a tractor with a cabin on the top (on the left of the picture).

My Modbury Bag. Modbury is famous for....

so I have added a Modbury shopping bag to my collection of fabric totes :-)

My purchases

The bag of buttons on the right is from my Mum's button collection which she very kindly let me raid :-)A pile of finished items...I took a lot of part made things with me and managed to complete this little lot!A chocolate ladybird which I have left behind for Holly (my neice) because my sister's family are going to visit mum and dad this weekend and I thought it would be a nice little surprise for her!I saved the best for knitting (insert a proud face here!) Mum, very patiently, taught me to cast-on, plain knit, purl knit AND cast off !! Crochet was attempted too but that didn't make sense to me so I concentrated on the knitting!

It's always nice to be home, but I really did enjoy my little holiday, my Mum and Dad are great :-)