:: Get up :: Get ready for work :: Respond to emails :: read blogs for a bit too long :: rush my breakfast :: process orders (if i have any) :: take photos for blog :: go to work :: go to Post Office (if I need to) :: Blog :: Flickr :: Sew ::
I love my craft-y based routine!!
The only trouble is I have to find room for knitting too!!
Look at what I made yesterday!! I went to my local Fabric Shop (the one that hasn't heard of Moda!) and found this lovely cotton wool by Rowan. It had 50p off per ball so I got my two most used colours, I love green and always use a lot of pink. The 'square' is 6" across and 61/2" high. OOps. It's not perfect but i'm pretty chuffed!! It took me 2.5 hours so tonight i'm going to do a smaller square (hopefully it will be square!) I have no idea what this square will become but right now I don't mind! I have big ideas like knitting a blanket made of squares, and a green jumper with a hood would be nice....or maybe I could specialise in knitting flannels (the not-quite-square ones!) !! LOL ;-)
I've been awarded a blog award but shall post about that tomorrow....I was too excited about my knitting to blog that today!!
Your sample square is very good. Neat even tension. My husband bought me a knitted bag kit with Rowan cotton wool and it was lovely to knit with,feels really nice to handle. Knitted it over christmas and I added loads of embellishing with left over wool and put a gingham lining in. That was also pink and green! Take a look if you have time. I am in th process of making a blanket with The Art of Knitting mag, I have an awful feeling it has 100 squares. What was I thinking. Best wishes.
ReplyDeleteHey, that's great! You can also make a little stuffed bunny with your knitted square... you can see one on my blog, Feb.8 and 9 posts, I think. They're fun and addicting, and multiply quite quickly!
ReplyDeleteIt's a lovely green square - that yarn looks wonderful. I love green too - such a fabulous colour. x
ReplyDeleteLovely green colour, you are very brave knitting with cotton as it shows up all your mistakes - or is that all of my mistakes?! You can't beat squares and rectangles, I'm scarf knitting at the mo. You could make your squares into table mats? Coasters? A nice table runner?
ReplyDeleteWell done on the knitting - you've done more than I've ever managed! Those colours are really lovely together too.
ReplyDeleteThose colours are the best together - you can never have too much pink and green. I'm sure you'll find some inspiration in the blog world for what you can do with the squares.
ReplyDeleteYes, now you have done a square I'm sure you'll be fine to knit something more complicated. I'd like to see some cables tomorrow please. And then some GLOVES, in mohair on tiny tiny thin needles. Hee hee hee hee.
ReplyDeleteI'm just jealous I can't knit a stitch >:-(