
Thursday, February 14, 2008

Freebie Winners Announced

The draw is closed, the winners have been randomly picked (thanks to a handy number generator!) I'm very surprised that there were 68 entries this month!! So much so that I have decided to have a few runners up prizes, which are Valentine Themed!!
The winning nummbers are::

:: 35 :: 40 :: 5 :: 25 :: 19 :: 60 ::

I've counted my way through the comments list and

1st Prize goes to :: 35:: SARA who said 'can i have a go please'

2nd prize goes to :: 40 :: JENNY who said 'ooh, I would love a soft and fuzzy notebook to pet and write in!' **sorry jenny, your link won't work, let me know what your site is and i'll add it**

3rd prize goes to :: 5 :: KITTY who said 'Gosh - that's a coincidence, I've been working on a felt covered notebook this week too! But yours are much nice, so count me in :-D x'

The runner-uppers are ::

:: 25 :: CRAFTYB who said 'Loving the colours of those notebooks!! xx'

:: 19 :: KATY who said ' I shall not be polite....I just WANT THEM ALL, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...and shall stalk you unless I win'

:: 60 :: STEPHANIE who said 'As are all your creations, those are really cute!'

Please can all the winners email their addresses to me at sarah {@}

Thanks, and well done to the winners :-)

Happy Valentines day everybody, remember to pop back next month for another freebie day :-)


  1. Anonymous6:30 pm

    Lucky, lucky winners. You are so generous, hope you have a most wonderful Love Day.

  2. Congrats to the winners. My little one just looked at your hearts and said "They are so lovely!" Given that she's only 3, that's quite a compliment!

  3. Woooooooohoooooooooo! Much bouncing around with excitement here (No.1 has been lusting after your happy hearts).

    Erm ... bit embarrassing ... I've won something before - do you still have my address or shall I send it again? *blush* x

  4. Anonymous9:16 pm

    Well done to the winners. Maybe I'll have better luck next time! : )

  5. Many congrats to the winners - and so generous of you to give away so much lovely stuff.


    ps. Phew! So I don't have to visit "my parents" this weekend after all!

  6. hello! Have you seen I gave you an award on my blog? And I might have to try and beat Holly to that chocolate ladybird...

  7. Well done the winners!

  8. Oh, what a shame - I was quite looking forward to stalking you, and I'd bought a lovely mac and dark glasses to wear whilst doing it.

    Hoorah for my prize (I'm very excited!!!)

  9. **In front of computer with big smile on my face!**
    I'm a runner up for one of your lovely goodies!! Thank you for being so generous!
    Can't wait for the postie!! x


I love getting your messages - if you need an answer to a specific question please email me directly:
Thanks! Sarah x