
Thursday, February 28, 2008


As you all know, I quite like putting things in boxes and being a bit organised. I do it with my emails too, including the comments I receive via this blog. This morning I opened the comments file and started to read through them again and was about to start replying, except lots of them didn't have reply-able here is a whole blog dedicated to answers :-)

Kitty has left a new comment on your post "ribbons and labels":
:-O Shouldn't you wean yourself off slowly? That 'going cold turkey' sounds a bit dangerous to me.Hope you enjoy the dvds. x

Claire P has left a new comment on your post "ribbons and labels":
OMG! No sewing?! How did you cope? Even when we watch tv/movies I still have to either hand sew something or knit! x

Katy has left a new comment on your post "ribbons and labels":
I bet you did a little bit of sewing!Fab labels - even more so for being freebies - lucky girl!!!

Katy was right!! I watched about 40 minutes of the film and then got itchy fingers!!

serendipitylovesnewyork has left a new comment on your post "Sunday Shout About :: LoobyLu":
what a great idea! where do you get your gorgeous ribbon from? I keep finding the same types of it, yours are fab xx

bitesizecards has left a new comment on your post "ribbons and labels":
would you look at all that beautiful ribbon! american crafts is wonderful :)

Yep, most of my favourite ribbons are by American Crafts. What can I say...I love patterned grosgrain ribbon (in fact I placed an order for some today, from a site I've not used before so I shall wait to see what happens before I point you in it's direction!)

Artworks has left a new comment on your post "Sunday Shout About :: LoobyLu":
Really nice idea. Will tune in every week

jo2308 has left a new comment on your post "Sunday Shout About :: LoobyLu":
Love the idea of a Sunday Shout Out. funnily enough I'd just discovered Loubylu this week for the first time - spooky!

I'm pretty chuffed that people liked my little idea of a Sunday Shout About, I hope you all had fun over at LoobyLu's!!

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "too much cake":
Can you tell us who the big order is for?

'Fraid not! Tis top secret ;-)

Little Lovables has left a new comment on your post "too much cake":
wow, you have a good system going there! from one felt critter maker to another, I applaud you!

*blush* ps: I took a peek at your shop and your felt critters are CUTE :-)

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "felt flowers":
lol...I love that we get "cupcake news" if someone asks me "did you see the news today?", I can answer "yes, yes, she's sewing the ribbons on"Smiles, DianeM :)

Well, Today's news is I am sewing on the icings...but that sounds really strange doesn't it?? haha!!

dottycookie has left a new comment on your post "eating, sleeping, dreaming cupcakes":
680 cupcakes. Good grief woman!Your books look very pretty lined up like that!

Good grief indeed!! Monkee Maker has summed it up beautifully:

Monkee Maker has left a new comment on your post "too much cake":
Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake ......... just trying to help you out with your cakes .... but I'm bored now - God knows how you must feel!Keep up the good cakey work:)ps. A very beautiful flower from Nia, and yes, it looks fab on your bag!

and then I read this and felt a lot in: I'm only making 680 and you're making HOW many???

bitesizecards has left a new comment on your post "eating, sleeping, dreaming cupcakes":
i especially enjoyed this entry! we know exactly how you feel. my sister and i cut cupcakes out of cardstock every day & night. we need about 3000.LOL.we just took a break from cutting and stumbled upon your blog. everything is fabulous! :)

now that is a LOT of cupcakes :-)

Michaele has left a new comment on your post "eating, sleeping, dreaming cupcakes":
Visually yummy! Here's a question (perhaps an odd one): how often do you have to sharpen your scissors?

Ummmm, Never!! My felt scissors were originally my fabric scissors (way back in my uni days) and when they got blunt they transferred to being my paper scissors and now they are felt scissors. I have a lot of scissors, one pair for: fabric, pinking fabric, paper, pinking paper, strong card, felt, packing...oh and a crappy pair for when John says 'can I borrow your scissors' haha!!
So if you have one pair of scissors for each and every job you'll not need to sharpen them...

Chin Yee has left a new comment on your post "John's away again":
Hi there,I am so inspired by your cute and yummy felt products! It makes me think about the wonderful things I can make for my little boy. However, I afraid I would need a little advise from you concerning felt before I begin my felting journey. Prior to this, I had purchase some cheap felt from a craft store and I sewed a small heart shaped cushion for my boy for Valentine's Day. The surface of the felt become furry after just a day. So I am wondering which kind of felt should I use? Are the felt that you are carrying on your web suitable? I'd tried checking online but there's quite a few different kind of felt, and the prices varies alot too. So could you help a felt newbie here?

I'm never one to turn down a felt addict in the making!! I started out using acrylic craft felt from my local shop and found it quite pleasing but as I progressed I stumbled upon wool mix felt and from that day I was's so much nicer to sew, your stitches can't rip through like they can with acrylic felt, and it feels so nice to handle whilst making things. The other biggest differences for me are the way it looks, I think acrylic felt can be shiny and I don't like that, and I like that I can iron my wool mix felt....sewing always looks better after a good press! oh, and wool mix is great for machine stitching too :-)
I haven't used 100% wool felt because the price is prohibitive for my goodies ... but I'll never say never!

Mamma Millan has left a new comment on your post "Sunday Shout About :: LoobyLu":
Hello, Sweden here!! What a lovely blogg you svit!!So nice things!Thanks for the visit!!God Evening Millan

Hello Sweden! Thanks for popping by and saying Hi!

Hi Sarah,
So glad you like the flower- it looks great on your bag!
You must look at this little chap- he's mini-baby-tiny Cecil:
Love n hugs,
Nia xoxo

He is a definite cutie :-)

Now I'm all answered out!! Tomorrow they'll be pictures I promise :-)

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