look at this photo ::
this is my photo, taken in my lounge on my dodgy pink carpet.....
(first link goes to seller, second link to the item listing)

they've cropped it but I can still see dodgy pink carpet!!
I'm wondering if they actually have any felt to sell...or any scruples at all!!
I have reported this seller to etsy and sent a convo...I'll keep you posted on the progress!
listing has been removed but older, sold listings are still there, just like this one
Not nice, I have no idea how people can do that and think it is ok to do it.
That is so wrong! I cannot understand how people could do that. They obviously were not raised by mamas like yours and mine. :-/
I don't blame you for being annoyed - its outrageous! Glad you named and shamed.
That is really horrid. Hope they get soundly whupped by the etsy bosses.
This has happened to me on a few occasions. It is really annoying isn't it. One of my photos was cropped and altered by another seller (but like you I could still see it was MY photo) but they would not admit that they had copied! Glad to see that you have got the listing removed. Hope this dosen't happen to you again.
I don't even get why someone would do that. If I had a shop I'd want all the items to be really mine so that the buyers could see the actual items.. Not speaking about the fact that this is stealing :/
Cheeky bugger. Surely infringes copyright laws?
:( So sorry to hear this. We get it from time to time from our shop - even people using our images with our watermark on!! The mind boggles!!!
Pleased to hear that the listing has been removed, though. I guess they say that imitation is the highest form of flattery ;)
Shame on them, Sarah. It's not nice.
I can not believe it! I don´t like whwn happen this kind of things...
I know how you feel. This has happened to me a few times by one seller who repeatedly copied my images. Even after I asked her to stop! It is soooo frustrating and plain not right!
That is bad, they are not being honest
Bad, bad, bad... And a good thing that you found out about it and got to stop it right away. Keep up your good work and positive spirit :)
This is sooo unfair. I would have suggested you embed a watermark, but Sarah commented above that unscrupulous traders will still use images with a watermark on! You've reported the trader so I can only hope it ends there for you.
Ditto above from Ann about watermarks, but how hard can it be for someone to take their own photos......?! Makes you question their whole website shops etc!
Fingers crossed thats the end of it.
What is wrong with people!!?? Honestly, i do wonder if they think twice or are just moronic, like der, do they not know we check & friends spy too??!! Good luck with this one, too bizarre. Love Posie
Cheeky sods! Too lazy to take their own photos then!
Jak x
that's disgraceful! anything you can do?
excuse my language, but cheeky sod!!, am finding it rather amusing reading the religious part of their shop profile, how can they quote from the bible and yet ignore 'thou shall not steal'! ; )
what a cheeky bint!
I hope Etsy kick her butt, there is no excuse.
I didn't notice the religious blurb but I hope you quoted a few commandments at her!!
terrible!!! i know how you feel, people are ALWAYS copying my cakes!! keep smiling, you never know... maybe they did it because they liked your carpet!! :)
Some people don't have any scruples sadly. They use and abuse other people for their own gain.
Debbie x
It was soooo not good !!
i suggest u to embed watermarks on your pictures just like Ann said.
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