Thursday, January 07, 2010

freebie day :: January 2010

It's freebie day.....since February 2007 I have held a Freebie Day on my blog.
The freebie is announced on the first Thursday of every month and prizes differ every time, sometimes they are handmade goodies, sometimes supplies for making your own.
Because next month is my two-year-freebie-anniversary I have split my celebration into two BIG freebies (this one and February's one). This month I am including freebie gifts in packages I send out from my shop, and next month winners will be picked from comments left on my blog.

The prize this month is that WHOLE box of ribbon...192 mini spools of ribibon, each one is 4ft long ...the box has been split into 75 freebie gifts, each freebie gift has 2 or 3 spools of ribbon in it, and one package will be added to every order received once this post has been published...I'm hoping that this way the freebie will reach regular & new customers and *fingers crossed* more people have the chance of a freebie gift!
The next 75 orders I receive from Etsy, Ebay, Folksy or my Website will have a freebie gift added to them and I will put a note here once all the freebies have gone.
I hope you enjoy this month's freebie....see you again on the first Thursday of February for two-year-freebie-anniversary Part Two!


DeviousDreamer said...
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jojoebi-designs said...

OMG I want to come and live in your workshop - it has a better view out the window from my house too and all that lovely ribbon hmmmm.

Bec Clarke said...

Ohh I love your blog and I haven't had a chance to go shopping yet, it just may be time.

Rosa said...

ES un regalo fantástico. Son unas cintas muy bonitas

Julie said...

What a lovely, generous giveaway!
I'd love to win!

mida.f3 said...

Good good good, sarei felice di vincere. Milena

Ancora complimenti...

Dotty said...

wow what a giveaway just what we need in the new year !!

Gillian said...

Oh those flowery ribbons are to die for! I've been ogling your supplies shop for ages now and this is all the encouragement I need! G

Celeste said...

Ooh pretty ribbons.
I've been putting off buying the make a tree kit for months, too many other people I've needed to buy for. Now it's time to treat myself. I can't resist a good freebie, especially if it's pretty craft things.

dizzee said...

OMG! The whole box??? Ooooh, I can think of a hundred, no, hundreds of different ideas for the ribbons! :D

The ribbons are absolutely lovely. Thank you for having this wonderful freebie. :)

Wan Anis Sorfina said...

This is super duper fabulous!!! I am a ribbon crazy ~

Sal said...

My goodness,that is one lovely giveaway!
Nice to discover your blog!

lampwork beads by jo said...

i love your blog so bright and colourful :-D

My life with MND said...

I've just placed my order :o)

I enter the competitions EVERY month, always read your blog and I never have any luck with any kind of freebies so thank you for this opportunity. I've brought from your online shop quite a few times in the past year. I love the things, and now the pink brads are back, I just had to treat myself....!

Can't wait to get my order! :o) x

Kelly said...

What a wonderful box of colour!! what I could do with that. :)

Twiggy said...

Drool worthy ribbon indeed. What a generous giveaway.
twiggy x

BCili said...

Ribbonbox is amazing! I love your blog, and freebie day, this is my chance :)

BarbaraRéka said...

Ohh! It's unbelievable!
What a lovely ribbons! And the giveaway! You are very generous!

Emma said...

So much ribbon! You'd be set for life with that lot!
(Although I'm sure we could all manage to buy more!)
Thank you!

Line said...

Oh my... My mouth can't shut any more... I'm dying for Amercian Crafts ribbons, while they are so difficult to find & expensive here in France (about twice as much as in the US, which is still less than ordering them in the US, with a minimum of $14 just for shipping!)
You're a wonderful giveawayer!

Ayu@Sweetlilcraft said...

Wow!!Thanks for this opportunity.
Its difficult for me to get those ribbons here.
You are very generous!

monSther said...

Wooooow!!! It's a GREAT GREAT prize!!! I'd love to win... I love your blog and everything you do! Great work!!

Homegal said...

wow... one whole box of ribbons!!! I love your blog and i hope can win!!

Sarah said...

Wow, what a generous giveaway! Glad I need to make a felt order!

Anonymous said...

I love these cute ribbons!
Your blog is very nice and makes me happy.

:*:~BlurIŋDŷ~:*: said...

wow~ the ribbons are cute~ <3
Hope I can win them~
Thank you so much for offering freebies~Though I didn't get once,but still want to thank you for giving me some

best regard,

Unknown said...

oh my god you truely spoil us pretty much every month!!

I love ribbons with really cute things on them


Outofmymind said...

I always get such a kick out of your blog, it always brings a smile to my face.I'm a huge ribbon collector that I use in my crafting and you have so many yummy ones. Thanx for always making my day. Kelli Hansen

Anonymous said...

What lovely ribbons ----- I hope to win!! Good luck to everyone else.

oneink said...

they are really wonderful! hope i can win them! thanks!!=)

Stripes and Stars said...

Ribbons ribbons ribbons, I am in ribbon heaven - what a fab New Year giveaway. Mind is now working overtime. Hope I get a chance to win.

Anonymous said...

I would just love to receive all these ribbons and would probably spend day sjust touching and feeling them

Julie pins

♥ meninheira ♥ said...

ohh I cross my body!! :D

Sohaniee said...

Have been using up all my ribbon recently,so would love to win. Pick me !!

Lucy Caitlin Higham said...

That is alot of RIBBON!! I could do wonders with that!!
:) Lucy xx

greetingarts said...

Oh, what amazing ribbons, they look so promising all lined up like that. But something in me wants to go and scramble them up, too! :0)

Mouse said...

What a lovely setting for a workshop :0) and thank you for a fab giveaway, keep up the good work with your blog, wonderful as ever. x

Anonymous said...

Found your website via Sam Currie (via Kirsty Wiseman on twitter)! Please can I move into your workshop? The organisation is FAB (bet your cupboards at home and wardrobes are colour coded too!). Was contemplating treating myself and your giveaway 'forced' me to press the 'pay now' button ;-) Many Thanks, I'll keep a look out for the postie in a few days - will amke a nice change to get some 'nice' post!
Karen Relihan

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic freebie- just looking at the ribbon cheers me up.
Love Sandra from SA

...Nina Nixon... said...

'Oh my' what an amazing giveaway - and such a wonder gift.

Happy two year freebie giveaway,

Nina xx

ps. the ribbon is adorable by the way!

Courtney said...

I love those ribbons! Thanks for this!

sssssvebbbbb said...

Please i want it so much.Thanks a lot...:))

Hi! My name is erica. Would you be my friend? said...

Wow! That's fun! Wish I'd waited a bit longer to make my purchase... :D

Manu said...

Oh my God!!! What a wonderful ribbons!!!
I cross all my finger!!!
You are very kindly!!!
Thanks!!! =^__^=

Isa Dantas - Feltrolândia said...

My goodness!!!
Thanks for this!
São Paulo - Brasil

+farahnajiha said...

whoaaa!! i'm drooling right now.. day dreaming about me, my little Nayli(she's 5weeks old, haha!) and those ribbons.. how we cut them, and attach it to our crafts. ;D

robin said...

neato! awesome ribbon

Hadhatina Mkb said...

wonderful treats to all of us!! i wannna win those cute-fabulous-gorgeous ribbbons! i heart it :-) :-)

thank you!

nicola said...

fabulous xx

perfect's prop said...

love it!!
i want it please..
very finger-lingkin'-good
i hope i get tat!!
love your BLOG!!

Rustyhammer said...

Well placed my order - hope to 'win' a couple of fab ribbons! Love the blog and its one I come to regular.

jeane said...

awesome ribbons! they simply look delicious. cant wait for next month to come!

jo-and-lily said...

Wonderful ribbon. . . a fab freebie!

boGár krea said...

What a giveaway! I love your blog, and the ribbons... Great! Maybe now...

erin said...

Oooohhh....I want !!! I want !!! Love your blog and of course I'm in the mood for ribbons !!!

Grig said...

*__* fantastic!

Rachel said...

What an amazingly generous giveaway, you're far too kind!!

All that ribbon! Time to get shopping! x

Anonymous said...

Once again, what a fabulous give-away and what a nice stuff you make!

mekoopelet said...

My goodness,that is one lovely giveaway!
i love youre blog for a very long time

Barbygirl_here said...

One more give-away, you're so great,they're really great...

I'd like to win...
I love them:)

Thanks many thanks :)

minamisensei said...

so them all..mostly the gross grain one...xoxo

Khairussyifa' Humaira said...

this blog is my inspiration and i got ideas to design my own handmade...
so lovely...
and it sure be more than perfect if i win the giveway...^_^

Maria Dent said...

You are generous!!

Lisa Collicott said...

Ribbons, ribbons, ribbons!!!! Imagine the possibilities!!!
xxx lisa c xxx

Anonymous said...

...I love your blog and your're the best!!

Clau said...

uauuuu! what a BIG giveaway! Keep the wonderfull work so we have loooots of post to read and lovely things to see :)

*** from Lisbon

Anna said...

Wow what a fantastic giveaway, very generous! Thank you for the chance of winning
Your workshop is fab i must say and i lovvvve ribbons so many things you can do with them and oh so pretty :)
Anna x

Myrian - Mascotinhos said...

This box is a crafter's dream!!!

Thanks for this freebie!

Myrian - Brazil

liza said...

fabulous giveaway..plz count me the ribbon ...n the generous blog owner too..

hoyoyi said...

This is a wonderful gift away!!! I really hope i can be the lucky one and apply all the gift on my sewing ^ ^ though i am far away from Malaysia!!!

Utena said...

OMG!!! I love your ribbons and creations, i'll go crazy if i 'll win :-P

Han said...

Wow what a fab prize all those lovely ribbons - love your blog and shop have spent too much but never mind hanxx

Anonymous said...

wow! that's a lot of giveaways!!!

Unknown said...

Socorro! Eu quero muito uma dessas! Me deixaria tão feliz!!!!

FaFi op reis said...

Just wow!!! they are all so beautifull.The one who will receive them must be a very luckyone!!!

NureL Numan said...

Owh...lovely ribbons..i really want it..VERY nice freebies!

Unknown said...

OOOOOOOH! I love them!