No excuses, I plain forgot!
So without further ado the random number machine has been called to action and has announced that the winners are ::

comment 51 ::
Jacqui said...
Your cupcake purse tutorial is a great idea. Its on my list of things to do. Thank you for sharing such brilliant ideas :)
11:14 PM
Your cupcake purse tutorial is a great idea. Its on my list of things to do. Thank you for sharing such brilliant ideas :)
11:14 PM
and comment 87 ::
Neither winners left an email address so I hope they see that they have won!
those lucky duckies!!
its exactly 12:02 here
Congratulations to both winners. I now need to find a suitably sized zip :)
Congratulations to the lucky winners!!!! I'm sure they're going to have a lot of fun with your gifts!!!
congrats to the winners, sure they gonna love making those felt purse =)
yippee- I can't believe We won.
my email address is prernasood (at) hotmail (dot) com
Thank you so much for organizing this giveaway,
Hey, I won! Just got back from a week on holiday and I'm catching up with my favourite blogs...
Thank you, I'm can hardly believe it and can't wait to get started :)
Will send you my email.
HI congrats to the lucky winners,popped over from busytmitts and love your blog will be coming back for more visits.
bye for now
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