
Monday, August 25, 2008

The tidy bug

Today I finally got an attack of the-tidy-bug (seriously, it doesn't happen that often!)
Remember I got a delivery of felt? Well, I stacked it neatly on my living room floor, and then it collapsed ::

Why did I not just put it away? well, because it has to fit on here ::
and as there is no room on here, it meant a BIG tidy up :-)
I got a bit side tracked and took photos of my tidy ribbon ::
It's just a chopped down cardboard box, with bits of packaging card from work as dividers ::
but back to the job in hand ::
I laid it all out in colour order (nice shot of my feet !)
realised that tidying felt is actually FUN because I love felt!! It's so pretty :-)
and here is the shelf which miraculously has room for everything, with just a little persuasion ;-)


  1. When you've finished with the tidy bug, could you send it 'round here for me, please?

    All your tidy felt and ribbons look sooooo yummy! xoxo

  2. Anonymous4:41 pm

    That doesn't look like robot making young lady! Bah, I'm just jealous of all your tidy ribbon :)

  3. I'm super jealous! That is a beautiful stash of felt and other goodness you have there.

  4. How bizarre, I've had the same bug this weekend too! (And it doesn't happen very often in my house either!!) Unfortunately, I don't have a nice unit to store all my crafty stuff in, so it's still a work in progress! ;)

  5. Anonymous3:10 am

    I don't know much about felt.. where is the best places to order it? It looks fantastic!


  6. Anonymous3:10 am

    I don't know much about felt.. where is the best places to order it? It looks fantastic!


  7. Anonymous4:22 pm

    wow Sarah, alota felt !
    im so jealous, i just love looking at all the goodies when ive had a good clean up, it doesnt happen often, think you've inspired me to clean up my craft room tonight
    love emma xxx


I love getting your messages - if you need an answer to a specific question please email me directly:
Thanks! Sarah x