
Thursday, August 21, 2008

mini rainbows

In the felt order that I received yesterday were lots of little bundles of 4" square felt.
And I spent the evening stacking them into little mini felt rainbows!

Each mini rainbow contains one piece of each colour of felt that I sell, which I think is the perfect way to sample all the lovely colours.

I've stacked them in the order they are listed on my swatch card and I think they look yummy!


  1. WOWWWEEEEE!!! They look fab!!! Now come on Sarah stop putting these lovely pictures of felty things that you know that I am just going to want to buy ;)xx

  2. Anonymous8:29 pm

    Mmmmmmm! Felt! :)

  3. Damn it!
    Now I need one of these rainbows for me!
    Why did I visit your blog today?, lol... I was saving money lately... Well, I guess I wasn't born to be rich, lol...
    Thanks so much for the pics. They're amazing! And you choosed a greats election of felt colors!


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