
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

what a day!

I spent today with John and our Classic Saab.
We left the house, complete with picnic, map and camera at 6am, drove for 4.5 hours to get to Corby (near Northampton) and John's lovingly restored Saab 96 starred in a photo shoot for a magazine...he was very much in the role of proud father !
There were seven cars there in total and John's was by far the best....but I think I'm a little biased ;-)
We were at the location for near enough 6 hours and then drove home...which took just 4 hours because we didn't get too stuck in traffic! (I SO do not understand how people drive on the M25 twice EVERY day!)
And now I'm knackered! Time for a shower, a glass of wine and then The Apprentice Final on TV.
See you tomorrow for freebie day :0)


  1. oh my goodness!, corby is near me, about 20mins drive, if i'd known we could have met up, i live in a little village just near to rutland water, a bit further north than corby.

    never mind, next time hey!, apprentice was good though wasn't it, can't believe he didn't hire claire though!

  2. Wow what a Day!
    Well deserved shower, wine and rest lol

    Catherine x


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