
Thursday, June 12, 2008

freebie day is BACK!

Hurrah 'tis freebie day again!
I have been inspired by the toadstool swap (I posted my parcel off today to Claire)
and have included materials to create your own toadstools, should you wish to do so :-)
There are two packages which look like this ::

and each one contains this little lot ::

Two pieces of felt, a fat quarter of toadstool fabric, two lengths of grosgrain ribbon some felt ric rac and a cute little iron-on patch.

All you need to do is answer the question below in a comment on this post and make sure I can contact you, either through your blog or an email address. Any un-contactable entries shall be disqualified (because it makes me sad when freebies have no home to go to!)
FREEBIE QUESTION :: what is your favourite craft?
for me it's hand sewing felt, but I guess you knew that right?

PS the question is just for fun, I will pull two winning names randomly from the hat on Sunday :-)


  1. Ooh, that bundle of stuff looks lovely, I especially like the little rabbit patch! My favourite craft at the moment is sewing fabric bags -you can complete a whole project in hour and I do like that (almost) instant gratification!! (I also knit a little, am trying out quilting and have a list as long as my arm of other crafty stuff to try out!)

  2. Ooooh, is that mushroom fabric in your shop? I love it!

    Don't put me in the draw since I've already won once and it's someone else's turn!

    Oh yes, favourite craft - I'm sorry, that's like asking me to choose a favourite between my children!

  3. Anonymous6:57 pm

    I have to say, you hold the best giveaways! My fave craft is felt embroidery.

  4. What cute loot!!

    My favorite craft is knitting- specifically knitting home decor.

  5. Anonymous7:20 pm

    ...well, my fave craft is make jewels with remnant of different if I'll be lucky, with your delightful giveaway I'll be able do make something new..;o)

  6. Wow! What a fantastic giveaway!

    My favourite craft is seeing something in my head and then seeing it come to life .. whether it be fabric, jewellery, DIY, etc. So I supposed that's "designing" !!

  7. How do I answer that? Anything that involves needle and thread really, hand or machine sewing, but preferably a mixture of both. I suppose that's why I like dolls so much - there's construction and then the decorative side as well.
    What a fab bundle of goodies. I spotted the patches the other day in your 'sick-bed shopping' and fell in love with them. :o)

  8. Anonymous7:32 pm

    ooh lovely giveaway, my favourite craft is applique with free machine embroidery. X

  9. I keep trying to resist, but I'm coming back for freebie day...I can't stay away any more!!!
    My fave craft is hand sewing. Doesn't matter what I'm sewing, just sewing along happily in front of the telly. Bliss!!!

  10. Anonymous7:38 pm

    At the mo i'm trying my hand at lot's (have a few stab wounds from the needle felting i've been trying out today) but my favourite would have to be crocheting small animals, (probably because it's what i'm best at and can do quickest)

  11. Anonymous7:45 pm

    I do enjoy a bit of easy knitting as it's something to do whilst watching telly, but I also enjoy making book bags from pretty vintage pillowcases too. Love the mushroom fabric and the rabbit patch in the prize. (Contact details - or

  12. Sewing in general is my favorite craft. I am obsessed with fabric and baby gift items. So I'd be happy the rest of my life if I could just sew baby stuff every day!

    Thanks for offering such beautiful prizes!!

  13. Anonymous7:46 pm

    Who doesn't love a freebie especially ones like these I would have to say sewing with felt and mohair because I got started with felt and keep coming back to it but really love mohair too.

  14. Hand-sewing felt is my #2, but #1 has to be knitting. I love how portable it is!

  15. I would have to say crochet. I love how easy it is to just make things up as you go along.


    (I found your blog a week or two ago and have read through all the way from the beginning - you make such lovely things! Also, I grew up in Horsham although I don't live there any more, and my sister lives in Worthing)

  16. Who doesn't love a freebie especially ones like these I would have to say sewing with felt and mohair because I got started with felt and keep coming back to it but really love mohair too. ( sorry I forgot the email!!!!

  17. What a fab freebie giveaway!!
    Fav craft when I have time is felting! Love making the stuff!

  18. Anonymous7:50 pm

    my favourite crafts are (1) watching the children i teach crafts, making there funny little stuff out of felt..and i i likr rubber stampping love jade xx x x x x x

  19. Oooh...great freebie prize!

    My favorite craft right now is making clothespin dolls. They are so sweet and fun to make!

  20. You're simply amazing, you know that, don't you?

    My favorite craft would have to be any kind of hand sewing, I think. Embroidery, too. Just love the feel of the needle going back and forth, and the even, straight stitches (well, hopefully anyway!).

  21. My favorite craft of the moment is making "vintage" paper cones, or tussie mussies. I have started to appreciate any and everything vintage and Victorian and these go right along with that theme!


  22. wow what a great giveaway Sara. Mine right now is crochet, i am still learning with it, and i love knitting in front of the telly right now watching BB. Please neter me, love the fabric!1

  23. You have excelled yourself with this fab freebie crawl crawl!!!

    My favourite craft at the moment is making this fun little stuffed houses, you can use all your scraps and I get to work with lovely linen!

    Vanessa x

  24. Anonymous8:38 pm

    My favorite craft is... This is hard to choose! If I had to pick just one, though, I would choose sewing, because of all the different things you can do with it, and all the cute fabrics out there. :D



  25. Ooh a lovely giveaway, how nice of you! I love applique, felt is of course my favourite fabric to use as you can do so, so much with it, although a little retro fabric remnants thrown in amongst the felt does no harm in my opinion!

    Shelley xxx

  26. wonderful giveaway! i love embroidery & scrapbooking. my two favorite crafts! jessica (

  27. Hi! Such lovely goodies and packaging. Glad you are feeling better now.

    My favourite craft is knitting and sewing. Sewing because you get to see the result fairly quickly and knitting because it is relaxing.

    Have a good weekend!


  28. Wow what a fantastic giveaway. My favorite craft is..well Im teaching myself how to sew with a sewing machine. I love making card sets alot too.

  29. Hi Sarah,
    Fantastic freebee ensemble ;) my fav craft is making handbags, although I have just been introduced to the wonderful world of felt by yourself and thats fun experimenting with!! :)

  30. Anonymous10:05 pm

    simply adorable! my favorite crafts include paper and felt. i like making anything, gingerbread men, etc. ^_^

  31. What wonderful goodies!

    My favorite craft for years has been crocheting baby blankets, though with the stockpile I've built up, I'm using the leftover baby yarn to make scarves (we're moving to a cooler climate this summer)- multicolored, vibrant blankets for my family's necks!

    ...but I've also been on a paper crafting kick too... dabble, dabble, dabble...

  32. Anonymous10:14 pm

    ooo! am i still allowed to enter even though my toadstool package is in the post? ;)

    only joking! no need to enter me (althought that mushroom fabric is LOOOOOVELY!). Sewing, felt, felt, sewing, felt and sewing felt! :)


  33. Hi, would love to be entered into your freebie draw - my fave crafts at the moment are cross stitch and knitting. Although I have about 3 sewing projects on the go and If I can get the right shade of crochet
    cotton I have a project I'm itching to start!
    Jacqui x

  34. Such nice things! My fav craft at the moment is knitting... subject to change without notice.
    Thanks for the op to win - I've seen such cute felt goodies on blogs and have been dying to give it a go. I even have the cutest Japanese felt animal book. :)
    cokelush [at] gmail [dot]com

  35. lovely, lovely giveaway!
    favourite craft - hard to say, sewing is my 'thing' at the moment. making anything for my little boy because he just loves anything I make, wonky stitching and all!

    jojoebi at gmail dot com

    PS. thanks for letting me know about the robot fabric

  36. Oohhh, a giveaway - what fun. My favourite craft at the moment is crocheting amigurumi but next week it might be sewing bags and the week after that it might be making some cards - who can tell. Your blog is full of some very creative things - thanks so much for sharing.

  37. What a loevly give away. This is a very hard question but I really enjoy free machine embroidery. Gotten out of the habit with it. Maybe I should do some more. Glad you seem to be better.

  38. My favorite craft (this week) would be paper crafting. I go through phases though, so I'm sure I'll be tired of it next week and ready for some sewing.

  39. Hmmmmmmmm my fav craft. Thats a hard one. I think it had to be scrapbooking as I am using the millions of photos I take and I can use a wide veriaty of materials, there are no rules!

  40. At the moment it is knitting but that could all change in the blink of an eye.

  41. Anonymous9:45 am

    I love knitting, because it's something you can pick up even if you left it for ages. Am knitting bright pink scarf for my neice at the moment!

  42. Anonymous11:23 am

    Super giveaway.
    Favourite craft,knitting.

  43. Fave craft: crochet. Easy, portable (mostly), flexible... But I do love everything else I do, like origami and sewing and embroidering...

    (that pink bunny patch is the cutest!)

  44. I love making anything with felt. small little dolls, big plush (lately) until camera case..
    I just learned to make them when I was in junior high school. it's great!
    I hope I can win your freebies (^^,)*
    Your toadstools are so cute.

  45. Oh they're gorgeous! at the moment I can't get enough of stitching fabric onto greeting cards and also taking my first baby steps in knitting - I love it, just havn't worked it all out yet!

    mrsemilydavies AT yahoo DOT com

  46. My favourite craft of the moment is knitting - has been for some time now. But at school I'm also doing flour and water batik which is proving great fun. I also love cake decorating (is that a craft?)
    But put me down for knitting bestest!

  47. Anonymous5:13 pm

    What a fun give away!!

    My favorite craft is making dollies of course! Actually, I just like sewing in general. But dollies is the most fun I find.

  48. I love the mushroom fabric, its too cute!! My fave craft is sewing, I love making bags, purses, peg bags, anything really. #2 craft is knitting. Love your blog, its so inspirational. Andrea x

  49. Anonymous6:15 pm

    At the moment I am indulging in the frivolous but gorgeous art of felt food..I never now so much fun could be had from making a felt sandwich and having a pretend picnic with the children without any of that vile plastic food! :D

  50. Anonymous6:31 pm

    What a fantastic giveaway! It's very difficult to choose my favourite craft but at the moment I'd say it's hand sewing as I find it very relaxing.


  51. It depends what day it is for my favourite, it's been crochet, earlier in the week it was quilting...I'm very fickle!

  52. Anonymous10:45 pm

    My favourite craft is creating with felt, whether stitching to make a creation or adding to my scrapbooking...

  53. my favorite craft is making greeting cards. i always put lots of time and effort into them, and then love to send/give them to people when they least expect it. i think people really appreciate something handmade than store-bought.
    it also makes me feel super giddy when, later on when i visit their house, i see the card! maybe even weeks from when they got it! propped up on the mantle, dresser, or fridge! i'm glad i can make something someone else will enjoy so much <3

  54. Oh what a fabulous freebie you are giving away.

    My favorite thing is paper crafting.Especially altering items with paper...I love it!


  55. HI, I have two favourite crafts. One is sewing and the other crotcheting.
    depending on how I feel on the day they can completely relax me.
    P>S> O. Just remembered red work embroidery LOL

  56. What a lovely bag of goodies!
    I love my needle and thread, but am also enjoying working with beads atm. x

  57. What a fab giveaway - I love the toadstool fabric.

    My favourite craft is patchwork. I've just been doing it "properly" for a short while so I am learning as I go along but I'm aiming to design & make a quilt for my DD

  58. i love many kinds of craft work!!!!i like jewellry making, invitation cards or greeting cards, many things in the head ...very little time 2 achieve!!!!!


I love getting your messages - if you need an answer to a specific question please email me directly:
Thanks! Sarah x