
Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Feeling better

I'm feeling a lot more like my positive self again (hurrah!)
I've said no (*gasp*) to two orders, which I've never done before, but the thought of doing them didn't seem fun just yet.

I've been spending time playing with packaging and trying to find a way of packing ribbon. I always try to package all my orders so receiving them feels a little special and ribbon in tissue paper just didn't cut it.

I've returned to an old idea , I used to send card toppers out like this.

Clear plastic bag, lovely bright printed card with a strip of white card with text on.

Simple, but effective I hope?
My little fabric & felt apples are currently starring in a treasury ::

and tomorrow will be my 300th blog post AND freebie day all rolled into one!!


  1. Anonymous7:41 pm

    Yes you're right they are lovely and very effective! I've just been over to your website to have alook at the ribbon but they're all so lovely I couldn't make up my mind which ones to buy so I might just have to make a few more visits!!

  2. Anonymous9:14 pm

    oh! those ribons look lovely! I might have to add some into my next felt order ;)
    and well done on the treasury! x

  3. Anonymous10:22 pm

    I'm really glad to hear you're feeling better. The ribbon packaging looks so scrumptious! xoxo

  4. I love the colorful, fun headers, and think that's a great way to package up the ribbon. Good for you for looking out for yourself (and your mental health!) for a while anyway, I'm sure the big orders will wait until you're ready to tackle them again.

  5. Glad you are back to your old self. how is the knitting going. I commented on your first bit of knitting (You made a snake/worm) Well i have just finished by biggest project so far. may push the boat out now and actually try a garment, shock/horror!
    Look after yourself

  6. the ribbon packs look great, I am another indecisive buyer, I have been 'window' shopping in you shop, I just can't make my mind up !

  7. Anonymous9:46 am

    Love love love ribbons, so pretty and the packaging is perfect for keeping them on the straight and narrow!

  8. Anonymous9:56 am

    Love the packaging! It really does give it a special touch! and the apples on the treasury are lovely!

  9. The packaging looks very effective! Congratulations on the treasury :o)


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