
Thursday, April 03, 2008

300th post freebie day

1 year, 9 months and a couple weeks later it's post number 300!
and what a lot of fun I've had :-)

It's a strange freaky coincidence that my 300th post is the very same day as April freebie day, so I've added a few more prizes than I normally would :-)
April's freebie is a Tortoise freebie....1st name out of the hat will win......Wilbur ::
He is a very friendly tortoise...he doesn't mind if you use him as a cushion, or (if you are quite little) having a little sit down on his back.
He is house trained BUT he loves to climb up onto an armchair or sofa, and because he's a tortoise it takes a while for him to get there!!
Rest assured, once he's there he'll get comfortable....
He likes to listen to the radio or watch a bit of TV, oh and he's quite partial to dark chocolate!
He's a bit of a dude and likes nothing more than throwing a little armchair party::
So if you would like Wilbur to come and live with you then leave a comment on this post, if you're not lucky enough to win Wilbur you may win one of these ::
Little tortoise brooches and magnets :-)
So 7 winners all together, hurrah!
Freebie Instructions::
1. leave a comment on this post
2. make sure your comment allows me to contact you
3. (optional) buy some dark chocolate to welcome Wilbur, and if you don't win you can eat it yourself!
Winners will be announced next Thursday (10th April 2008)


  1. Anonymous1:33 pm

    ...well, I love sooo much your feltworks, and I love sooo much turtles I need only a little bit of good luck and maybe I could come into play..;o)**

  2. Hello Wilbur - We have space on our sofa if you fancy coming round here :)
    I'm sure Emma would love you to bits xx

  3. Anonymous1:43 pm

    Hello hello! Wilbur is a real sweety, I have recently started a diet that allows half a small bar of dark choc a day, I would happily share the remainder with this little fellow! I can be contacted at should I be deemed lucky enough to be a winner!

  4. Hi Wilbur ..... nobody in this house likes dark chocolate, so you can eat all the stuff that's in our cupboards!
    You can contact me through my blog :o)

  5. Hello Wilbur :-)
    I have a nine month old baby girl, who would surely love being your friend, since you're so pink and all... She only eats soup, fruit and milk so I guess she won't mind if you have all the chocolate in the house yourself, and we do usually have a lot.
    You can reach me through flickr (aka - linhasebolinhos)

  6. Dear Wilbur,

    Please come to my house, I have chocolate crispy cakes ready and waiting for you, or you can just have chocolate without the crispy bits if you want!

    Love from

  7. Hi, I love your work and my dougters would love Willbur! ;-)

  8. My 5 year old actually has some little Easter eggs left and would be more that willing to share with Wilbur if he came to live with us permantly!
    He is so cute!
    300th Congratualtions too! has the time gone quickly?

  9. I will love to have Wilbur at home and my daughters more than me.
    So,please, pick me, pick me...

    Here is the link to my blog:

    Thank you,
    Sassy Owl

  10. Hi can come stay with us...we have plenty of dark chocolate snacks ;)

    congrats on your 300th post...we have no even reached our 3rd post

    -yvonne and fay

  11. Congratulations and thank you for sharing Wilbur! Does he like Lindt Dark Chocolate with Orange? It's a favorite around here, but we'd be happy to provide him with his own preference, of course! He won't fight with my husband over the remote will he?

  12. Anonymous4:32 pm

    Hey....Wilbur looks a very friendly little chap. He'd fit in very well here. He'd have lots of cats and a dog to keep him company. xxx

    Love Bex. x

  13. Dark chocolate is all ready, for Wilbur or any of his flatter friends (they need fattening up, anyway!). Congrats on 300!

  14. Anonymous5:14 pm

    hello wilbur!!
    well my little girl skye would love you and take to be ever night as it here birthday next week.
    well done on all your blog post !!
    nicola x

  15. Happy 300th:)

    I'd love to enter the giveaway for wilbur:) He would fit right in here!
    My dog would join him for a chair party for sure! Thanks so mcuh for the nice giveaway!


  16. 300 posts? Goodness! I'm sure Wilbur would like it here - we usually have chocolate in the cupboard ...

    Thank you for the buttons and ribbons - they were here to greet me on my return and they are GORGEOUS - as is your packaging :-)

  17. Very cute tortoises! I think wilbur is fab! Please enter me for the giveaway. Thank you.

  18. LOL, the picture with the remote control made me laugh, great photo!

  19. Anonymous8:10 pm

    it's detiny! I love turtles, dark chocolate and the name wilbur (we sometimes call our cat wilbur instead of william if he's been naughty!)

    Happy 300th post, I've enjoyed every one I've read! :)

  20. Congratulations on reaching 300 posts Sarah ... that's some achievement. Wilbur looks an absolute sweetheart - though I'm not sure we have any dark chocolate in the house? :-O Would milk or white do? x

  21. Mmm, tasty turtle!!!

  22. I like to see a tortoise who is in touch with his feminine side (being pink and all!). I have just the spot for him and plenty of chocolate, of course!
    Thank you for the felt - so beautifully packaged, I could hardly bear to open it! And well done on 300 posts!

    (contact details on my blog!)

  23. As cute as Wilbur is, I'd be happy to settle for a brooch or magnet (the post to here would be way cheaper too!!!) Congrats on your 300th...

  24. Anonymous11:38 pm

    There's plenty of chocolate to share at my place! Love those tortoise brooches though :)

  25. Hey Wilbur, my little boy has a girl tortoise maybe you can get together, eat chocolate and make little tortoises!

  26. I've got a nice big sofa waiting for him at our house, I also have a little bum that would love to sit on Wilbur (not mine, I would kill him!).

    I won't buy any dark chocolate, I will have to buy milk chocolate and turn him as I hate chocolate, it always reminds me of my dad's diabetic chocolate!

  27. Wilbur is welcome to come live with me and my boys. There is plenty of room on the sofa and I'll even share the remote with him.....come on over.

  28. I'm lovin all the turtle cuteness. I can't wait to see what you come up with next!

  29. How cute!! Congrats on the 300th post. Me and wilbur have lots in common, slow , sitting on the sofa, ad chocolate lol.
    Sarah x

  30. Congratulations!!
    Chocolate is waiting.

  31. Happy 300th post hun,
    Owww freebies great.
    There is a bar of dark chocolate waiting for Wilbur if I win or a snuggly place on a cardi for one of the little brooches lol
    Loads of hugs sweetie.

    Catherine x

    Have a lovely weekend.

  32. Anonymous1:27 pm

    I don't beleive it...I have done it again!! I was here good and early yesterday but you hadn't posted yet...then had to spend the rest of the day with poorly boy and forgot until now...ohh well...until next time!!



    300 and you barely look a day over 299 : )

    Love to have Wilbur - or one of his friends - hope it is not a problem that we of Chez WMK eat Milk Chocolates here...


  34. Plead Wilbour be mine!! :D

  35. Anonymous8:51 pm

    Oh this is perfect! I am directing "Charlotte's Web" for our homeschool group, of which my daughter is a part. AND we were just learning about the diefference between turtles and tortoises and now she is all about them. And so, she would absolutely love a tortoise named Wilbur!

    BTW, I am so glad to see that Squashitty was a part of the armchair party. :)

  36. Anonymous1:36 am

    ADORABLE!! I love your blog, you are one talented lady. Thanks, Heather

  37. Congratulations!
    Wiblur is so cute and I LOVE those magnets!

  38. I love Wilbur, he's so cute and oaffish looking. He's welcome to sit on any chair he likes in my house! :-) I was just dropping by to see your works, i love crafty and stitchy stuff, and i noticed you liked guinea pigs like myself. You're welcome to drop by my blog anytime and see my guinea pig world. Bye for now!

  39. the chocolate is already in the cupboard out of reach of hungry people...what a cutie...

  40. He's the cutest! Count me in on the drawing. Love your work.

  41. 300 big ones!! Yay you! Please count me in.

  42. Anonymous2:40 am

    i would love to win your monthly freebies! and i will not stop until i get lucky!!!!!! :) wilber is adorable!

  43. Do come to my house, Wilbur. I have tons of chocolate, and I promise not to let any young children sit upon you.

    Of course, any of your little turtle friends are also welcome. ;)

  44. Ooh, I really do hope that Wilbur can come see me. My birthday is tomorrow, so I'll make sure to save him some cake!

  45. Hello, what a lovely blog you have! Michaela sent me over here. To win Wilbur would be very timely as I have a houseful of guests coming to stay soon and not enough seats so the little ones will be sat on cushions. Your work is beautiful :^)

  46. Aaaaaw, he's so cute!

  47. Congrats on 300!
    Lovin the wonderful giveaway!
    Keep up the fab felt work :)

  48. who knew felt could be so cool? i love all the colors you use! and who wouldn't love that adorable tutrle - wilbur?

  49. wow...300 posts...that's a long way to come and maybe i will get lucky this time round!

  50. Are you claiming royalties for that shop window display???

    Love Wilbur and all your creations....I bought some felt from you as I design and make handbags, and became very inspired to do some applique work on my bags with the felt so many thanks!!!

    Definately a repeat customer so dont go anywhere.....


  51. Anonymous4:29 am

    I do enjoy your corner of the world. Congrats on the posts.

  52. I do enjoy your corner of the world. Congrats on the posts. Sorry I also left the above comment,.

  53. Anonymous9:23 am

    am I too late? boo hoo if I am. Love the tortoises x

  54. I love Wilbur. I have chocolate supplies.

  55. Just looking through your blog (trying to find the post you did about the brad supplier) and I saw Wilbur! Just to let you know, he still lives on Toby's bed and is quite often T's pillow! xx

    PS - I'm having a cool giveaway on my blog!


I love getting your messages - if you need an answer to a specific question please email me directly:
Thanks! Sarah x