
Friday, February 01, 2008

felt everywhere

I returned to work today :: It was a nice busy day with happy, jolly customers and I really enjoyed myself :: of course there were lots of little loose end kind of jobs I had to do and lots of phone calls to sort out queries but all in all it was a joy to be back ::

I left my living room looking like this:

I left both my trays full of WIPs, and I've tidied my felt into a pretty rainbow of colours (it's not actually put away but it looks pretty, and that's all that counts right?)

Just look at the loveliness :: Yesterday's post posed a question :: can my iron on transfers be washed in the machine? I do not know but I am going to make it my mission to find out!


  1. Anonymous5:18 pm

    OMG- all that lovely, yummy felt! How are you going to be able to part with it?! I say keep it all, I'm sure John won't mind!! ;-)

  2. Gorgeous felt, glad your first day back at work went well sweetie.

    Have a good weekend.

    Catherine x

  3. Anonymous6:57 pm

    lovely gorgeous felt!! yes - colour co-ordinating it is the main thing i agree!! Whereabouts in worthing do you work? i work in clarks on montague street...

  4. *Drooooooooool* ... Oh my word, how gorgeous does that felt look? I do declare you are a felt addict Miss P&S! x

  5. Can I come and have a little stroke of your felt?! (that sounds a bit rude, doesn't it???)


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Thanks! Sarah x