
Saturday, February 02, 2008

behind the scenes crafting

Today (and tomorrow) I plan to re-vamp my's been on my mind for a while. I knew how I had it wasn't what I wanted but couldn't get it sorted in my mind...but now i think I have.
The main problem I have is keeping everything in stock at all times so people can always see what I do but at the moment if all the cupcakes have been sold then visitors won't know that I make them....hopefully my new way of listing will stop that happening!!

So for now I haven't a lot else to report....except that thinking about websites gives me a headache!!

This is the new picture I added to the front page yesterday ::


  1. Beautiful picture - my felt stocks are slowly running down; when they hit 'low' I'm paying your website a BIG visit! x

  2. Anonymous1:00 pm

    you montage is beautiful :)

  3. Love the new front page picture.Loads of loveliness all at the same time!


I love getting your messages - if you need an answer to a specific question please email me directly:
Thanks! Sarah x