
Monday, December 03, 2007

I think I am addicted

I think I am addicted to blogging. I didn't post all weekend and it felt weird!
After taking part in the blog every day through November thing, I really missed it these past two days. I'm not suggesting that I will post every day from now on but I think I will be round here more than I was before :-)

The pic today is my little pile of packets to take to the post office.
Thursday will be a celebration round these parts because ::
1.) it'll be freebie day
2.) I've past the 200th post milestone
3.) tis nearly Christmas ;-)


  1. ooooh goody - FREEBIES !!!! Sarah x

  2. 200 posts - congrats!
    love those blue parcels, they look very enticing, much more fun than brown!

  3. I really like the look of the labels. Very original.

  4. Even your packets to post look better than anyone else's packets to post!

    I'm glad you're addicted to blogging. :-) x

  5. whoo- roll on thursday!!!! 200 posts?! Wow, you are definitely addicted to blogging!!! :)


I love getting your messages - if you need an answer to a specific question please email me directly:
Thanks! Sarah x