
Tuesday, December 04, 2007

felt food and happy faces

hello. I am a happy cooking pot!Choose some ingredients :: peas, carrot, potato, onion, chicken leg, mushroom or fish Pop it inside the happy cooking potand you have Happy cooking Pot Stew !!
But what's for dessert?Yum....doughnuts, cookies or pink biscuits
Pink wafer biscuits are my favourite
All served fresh for you on the Happy Cake Stand.



  1. Fabulous felt food!!

  2. How lovely!When I was a little girl my cousins had some pans with faces on and I loved playing with them.

  3. GAH! These are so flippin cute.

  4. O.M.G. These are sooooo cute!!! :D


  5. Anonymous2:16 am

    Wow Sarah- you really hit high on the cuteometer with the pics in this post! I love the felt food, especially the chicken leg x

  6. Anonymous4:21 pm

    How cute! I was hoping that one of those parcels you showed on Monday was mine and it was! Parcels of any kind are nearly always welcome but yours certainly are - you obviously take a lot of care over them and the content was wonderful. Thank you so much, I'll be back for more!! : D

  7. My kids would go *wild* over these cuties. You did a great job. As usual!


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Thanks! Sarah x