
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

easter eggs

The post about the raffle for Japan is here
Over the weekend I finished my pile of Easter Eggs
they were so much fun to make, so many bright cheerful colours and those buttons!
I had a big grin on my face using those!
I've put them in my shop in sets of three...there are only 4 sets so if you need some Easter Eggs you know where they are!
Today we bit the bullet and decided that the move will happen on Friday and we booked some moving muscle to help us, we've now got two men from an agency coming on Friday to help to make sure the move is quick and easy....the plan is to keep the shops open and for me to still get everything posted on time, the theory is that not shutting the shops will pay for the men (I hope!)...and the other theory is that the move will all be done and dusted and the workshop ready for Monday Morning .... I can't wait!


  1. Fabulous! how exciting! Bet you can't wait. Those Easter eggs are eggstremely good. Sue x

  2. I love making my Easter egg tree decorations too! It really helps me feel like spring is about with all the bright colours and pastels!!

  3. Beatyfull and lovely! so delicate..
    Congratulation for you blog, I am a new fan and I found your site so inspiring.
    Adios, La Chola.

  4. Aww, how beautiful they are. Super super cute!

  5. Sarah those easter eggs are fab!! Loving the funky buttons xx

  6. These are eggstrodinary (sorry couldnt resist that!!)

    Just love the designs and the colours - hand sewing with felt is one of my favourite crafts. Very relaxing - and as a teacher I need all the stress-busting strategies I can find!


  7. So aweet little eggs, love them. Like to pop in and see how everything is going for you and I think I am watching your third move of the studio... go girl! greetings from Sweden.

  8. Anonymous10:16 pm

    WooHoo!!! Fingers crossed for Friday then!Hope all goes well!
    eggs look "cracking!"

  9. I love your blog, I love your works, I love your ribbons!!!

  10. It's great, it'beautiful.


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Thanks! Sarah x