
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

no more stock boxes!

I have unpacked the very last box of stock!
 the next boxes to be unpacked in the stock room will be new and fill up stock (the best kind of boxes!)
do you like my button rug?  I'm sure you've all seen one like it before, Ikea have had them a while now...I kinda didn't notice it was WHITE - I just saw colourful buttons when I hit the buy it now button, and a white rug in a barn that's surrounded by mud is a little bit silly...we shall see how it gets on....
 these are my new button drawers - I won them on ebay quite a few weeks ago (before I'd signed the barn lease) and I have been itching to get the drawers full of buttons...
 the colourful buttons look GREAT when you open the drawers...
 ...and I really like how the wooden buttons look in there, I don't have many wooden buttons in stock but I will be getting some more - I have a drawer to fill ;-)
 the two happy people on top of the new drawers need an introduction I think?  This handsome fellow has the crazy name:  Dude With A Head and used to take pride of place in my window displays when I worked the day job (in the shop underneath my old Workshop)  and a good few months ago he was in the big wheelie bin out the back because he had jumped off the shelf and smashed his head (hence the flat cap).  John found him when he was putting the rubbish out so we have rescued him - if anyone knows a mannequin restorer I'd love to see if I could fix him up properly.
 this little fellow is Gnomey - John got him for me for Christmas and he is temporarily waiting for me to find his final 'home' in the barn - he's just here to keep him safe whilst I move things about - he's great isn't he?
 I've also made a BIG dent in unpacking my making area ::
 and I now have some temporary tables covered in little piles of things
 It's great to finally know where everything is, even if it isn't properly sorted yet!


  1. It looks amazing! Have fun in your new barn!


  3. you know that no matter how fabulous your restorer your mannequin will *never* grow his arms back, right?

  4. My daughters have the same rug in their bedroom and they are always telling me off for walking on it in my outdoor shoes! Still white though (apart from the unaccountable green felt tip marks)...

  5. Your barn looks the most perfect place to work! It all looks so pretty and I am super impressed with how quick you have organised everything :)


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Thanks! Sarah x