
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

felt overflow

so it turns out that getting a discount from your felt supplier because your felt orders are so large can have unforeseen disadvantages...I mean, if I had thought about it sensibly it would have been obvious - buying a lot of felt means you need a lot of room to store the felt - humph !!
My current felt order (the discount breaking one) has been split into two shipments - this is part of the first one - two pallets full of felt the time I got there with the camera John had already put a load of them away where they normally go and what you can see in the photos is the 'leftovers' ...
I did suggest they could stay in the garage and we could remove a car but that option didn't work for everyone (especially the guy who owns the garage and most of the cars and who very kindly lets us plonk our deliveries in there on a temporary basis)
 But having too much felt can't strictly be possible can it?  Surely it's like buttons - you can never have too many of them either ... So a web search, a phone call and a trip to the local storage place later ::
and the excess felt has a room of it's own - with plenty more space for the next pallet full, which will hopefully be here by the end of this week!!
Problem solved me thinks  -  and just look at all that extra space for more stock!


  1. I'm so happy for you! I follow your blog for years and look at you! You have your own storage for felt!

  2. I would love that much felt! Just about to place another little order with you I think. :-)


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