
Monday, September 24, 2012

weekend making

Over the summer (my quietest time) I like to try and build up my handmade stock so when orders are placed for handmade items they can still be dispatched quickly...this summer though I never seemed to get quiet or have excess free making time, so orders are being made as and when they are placed - and I have been nicely surprised at how well it is working! 
 I'm still sending handmade orders out nice and quickly and I always have some sewing that I have to do in the evenings (I prefer it when I have sewing I have to makes me more productive!)  These photos are of this weekend's making ... thankfully it stopped tipping it down after lunch today so I could take some photos!


  1. A very cheerful company again.:D
    Perhaps I should make a have to list,too.:)

  2. I had a sewing day today too but mine doesn't seem to have been as productive as yours. Note to self: must try harder. I love all the smiley faces. Philippa x

  3. such a wonderful selection of makes Sarah and how great they all look together... a very productive weekend !



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