
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

new project = new packaging

from the very beginning of paper-and-string I have designed, printed, cut & folded all my own packaging...but all that had to change when I designed the first kits for John Lewis...either that or I'd have to buy a lot of printers & a LOT of ink (which is much-o expensive)  It's a terrifying step to take because anything that's slightly different to standard sizes needs to be ordered in big numbers to get them to be cost effective, and that plays havoc with the cash flow!
For my New Felt Project I needed some non-standard sized packaging, so my sister got cracking (again, thanks lovely sister!) with the designing, and I got cracking with the money shuffling and hey presto!  Stage one of the New Felt Project packaging is here...the second lot is coming from a different printer and should be here tomorrow, fingers crossed!


  1. oooh they look good, I'm glad, how nice to see them as I haven't had my file copies yet!

  2. Ahhh congratulations. It's so nice to check back and see how well you're doing. Can't wait to see what the new project is. Hailing x

  3. hey! it's amazing blog are doing a well project, i love it.
    packaging design agency

  4. wooow looks great!

    you inspired me to start my own webshop. Like 1,5 years ago I found your blog, and I started reading for the beginning of your blog... and that inspired me so much! all your hard work and hard work pays off!

    Now I have for about a year my own webshop in handmade accessoires and it is really hard work but I so love it! Everyday I check your blog to look what you are doing!

    Keep on doing the good work =D


I love getting your messages - if you need an answer to a specific question please email me directly:
Thanks! Sarah x