
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

hot feet

The back of my workshop overlooks a BIG flat roof.  Sometimes I sit out there and have lunch, but mostly it's my quick route down the fire escape to the big bin.  This is the view out the back door...
 Yesterday a baby seagull (who is rather big) found his way from the roof of my workshop on to the flat roof, and the silly thing can't fly back up again!  His seagull mum & dad are still bringing food and flying at anyone who dares to walk on the roof (that'd be me) but I got a little worried that there was no water for him.   Normally there is a large puddle on the roof where that washing up bowl is, but the heat from the sun has got rid of that!
If you peer closely you can see the parent seagull sitting in the shadow and on the little wall on the left is the big baby....they spend most of the day down there sleeping, as far away from my door as they can get, but the Big Baby must have hot feet because I spied him out the window sitting in his drink!
 Hopefully he'll be able to fly soon, but in the meantime I'll be chief seagull water provider!  I'd like to get the make-shift bath down to the sleeping quarters but so far I haven't dared get that close!


  1. Ahh that's sweet and the RSPB would be very proud of you! X

  2. Very cute but what a daunting task you have set for yourself. Hopefully the parents understand that you are trying to help.

  3. Anonymous5:04 pm

    You'll end up being an ambassador for the RSPB!nice to know the "little" guy has you looking out for him - especially in this heat

  4. Shield yourself with an umbrella, it work well against the parents. We had a baby in the front garden, you can guess how much fun it was getting to the house!!

  5. Talented and kind too lol : )

  6. RSPB news travels fast!
    I believe that birds sometimes need a bit of assistance to re-launch themselves when they get into this position - perhaps RSPB could offer advice in return!

  7. Anonymous10:22 am

    Seagulls could be a new theme for you x


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