
Friday, June 08, 2012

Surprise Holiday Sale!

I'm off on holiday!  To celebrate I am having a ::
 SurPrisE sALe!
I've been working hard on the website and have added 174 product lines to the sale section...all sorts of products, from embellishments, felt, ribbon, handmade boxes, decorations, pom pom trim...the list is quite long! 

The website is programmed to remove out of stock sale items* so if you can see it, it's available! 
The website is remaining open ... all orders placed while I am away will be posted on Tuesday 19th June
I hope you enjoy the sale....think of us tomorrow in a force 7 gale on a 12 hour ferry crossing** !!
* I've not used this function before so fingers crossed it works like it should!
** Double fingers crossed that the ferry will actually sail!!
CLICK HERE for the   SurPrisE sALe!


  1. Fluffybunnyhead11:49 am

    Hopefully bagged some goodies!

    Have a well deserved holiday Sarah, hope you have a wonderful time and come back rested and relaxed or pumped up from any energy fuelled break -whichever is your thing!!!


  2. Have a lovely break Sarah....will be in touch when you get back.. J x

  3. Arrgh! It's all too tempting Sarah!

    Hope you have a great break :-)

  4. WOW! Now that was a surprise this morning! Hopefully I've scooped up some lovely little goodies as teacher gifts. Thanks for this fab sale, Sarah, and happy holidays!

  5. Anonymous7:03 pm

    Hope your are somewhere nice enjoying better weather than the UK! although it is dry and the sun is shining today!!


I love getting your messages - if you need an answer to a specific question please email me directly:
Thanks! Sarah x