
Saturday, June 23, 2012

the kit craziness has begun!

Everyday I work on kits, sometimes for a few minutes, sometimes for hours.  Mostly it's work I can't share because the kits aren't launched yet and I don't want to spill the beans too early (even though I am busting to!)   Sometimes I'm designing and sample making, sometimes I'm drawing patterns and writing instructions, sometimes I'm finding suppliers and buying supplies, sometimes I'm working on packaging ideas and sometimes I'm planning & list making!
And boy does it take a lot of planning and a lot of lists!
I currently have 18 new kits to launch.  One is in some of the boxes above, they left here yesterday on the way to my newest stockist: The RSPB....way back in January they asked me to design them an exclusive kit, and I was so chuffed to do it!  Once I see that the kits are for sale (in shops, online and in the Christmas Catalogue, I think) I will show you what I have made for them  :-)
John and I took our holiday before the kit craziness started in earnest and this week all my pre-booked deliveries started arriving....there's tonnes of printing, findings, buttons, fabric and Pom Poms! (that box has 18,000 pom poms!!).... luckily we have rented some extra space to store it all, because there's not enough room in the workshop any more...once it's all tidy and ship-shape I'll show you that :-)
So the first six months of 2012 were planning the kits...and the next six months will be making them!  Come on kit craziness-I'm ready for you!


  1. I can't wait to see the new kits!!!! I just love the things you come up with.

  2. Anonymous12:33 am

    wow - 18 kits to launch - you are one busy girlie!! I really need to learn your time management skills - mine is pants!! can't wait to see all your efforts, exciting times ahead!

  3. You are certainly going to be busy. Cant wait to see what you have come up with this time. linda x

  4. Sounds like you are living your dream! Can't wait to see what you have designed!!! Love Jannie

  5. Well done on your flourishing business!
    Looking forward to seeing your kits:)!

  6. wow that is a lot of work! but it is also a lovely thing to do!

    good luck with the kits can't wait to see them!

  7. Anonymous11:13 am

    Can't wait to see the RSPB kit, we only live 5 minutes away fro a reserve. Good Luck with everything.

  8. Wow, I can't even manage a few new knitting kits at the moment, let alone 18. You are an inspiration, you make it all seem possible! x


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Thanks! Sarah x