
Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I have been patiently waiting for 24 hours to pass and the websites to switch from old to new, and after 19 hours I thought I'd phone and see if I couldn't hurry it along a little....but I was then told that no one had done whatever it is they should have done yesterday to put the wheels in motion!!
So the new guy on the phone did the magic button pressing and ta-dah!
now I have NO WEBSITE AT ALL!!!!!I am on the case and WILL have a website asap...but I don't know which one!!!
****edited to add****
it now seems like some people (like magical Sue!) can see the new website, but that for others it's not there (I can't see it!!) the gurus are working on it and hopefully it'll be sorted soon!!


  1. Just had a peeky and am loving your new website. No doubt I will be back later to order something! Sue x

  2. Aaaaaaaaaaaak! Although reading above it sounds like things might have been fixed.

  3. I can see it and it looks fab :o)

  4. I can see your fab newwebsite - just off to open my piggy bank!

  5. Apparently I've been forbidden access :( Is it just me I ask?! x


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Thanks! Sarah x