
Thursday, February 02, 2012

February Freebie :: Postponed!

Today is the first Thursday in February.

That means it is Freebie Day.

This freebie day has been planned for ages...

I have two new kits due to be delivered to John Lewis on February 1st and they are going to be my freebie prizes (I am dying to show you the new kits!!)

Someone (*ahem* me!!) didn't book a delivery slot in time so now the new kits can't be delivered until February 10th.

Which means I can't show you them yet.

Which means the freebie is postponed.

Someone must be fired*

And the flowers? well I can't blog without photos , the flowers are new and on the website here

New Freebie day is Thursday 16th February 2012!

*well, I won't really fire myself, that would just be silly!


  1. Someone must be fired* Ha ha ha ha. Good to be your own boss :)

  2. Can't wait! Sounds great. Firing yourself is never a good idea! lol Sue x

  3. New kit ????? I'm really curious! I do not know if I will resist until February 16th!
    Someone should be fired?? Ahahahahah .. you're too nice!

    A big hug

  4. can you fire one of your new kits this way please...

  5. Anonymous8:35 pm

    :D funny post, lovely flowers, counting days to see your new kits!
    Have a great week end!

  6. Anonymous1:23 pm

    oooo new kits. Hope JL were not too unhappy.....

  7. Oh the flowers are gorgeous. Love your post! LOL I'm working on a story and your works are giving me an idea for the story to help my girls in their reading skill. That's why I'm trying to work on bird freebie to give them surprise at the end of month. :D


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Thanks! Sarah x