
Monday, November 28, 2011

a happy bunch!

Sunday was set aside as a sewing-all-day day. Mostly I hand sew everything so a sewing-all-day day means a day at home on the sofa watching tv and stitching for hours on end! I managed to finish my secret project and this little collection of Christmas ornaments too! The secret project got posted today and I should be able to tell you about it pretty soon :-)


  1. These are gorgeous! Perfect day! sewing, TV, what more could you want! Sue x

  2. They look so cute togheter! very nice :)

  3. I have been so inspired by your designs, I've been making my own (in fleece; due to sensory issues I find it really difficult to touch felt, unfortunately!). Today I've been making some simple patterns for them and tomorrow I will be taking those to my eldest son's school where they want to do Christmas crafts! I'm guessing they'll want to do glue, and felt, however - seems simpler and cheaper than giving needles to a bunch of little nippers!

  4. These are super cute!
    Thank you for the super fast service with felt that I ordered last week, I've been making hair slides and brooches to sell. (Check out my blog for pics) Just wish I could sew neatly like you but it always turns out messy!
    Hugs Lol xx

  5. ...sono tenerissimi!!!!!!!

  6. They are so sweet! I BIG heart snowmen!!!

  7. Such beautiful can't beat a day in front of the telly with felt and thread!



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