
Saturday, September 10, 2011

angle grinders

I had a busy box-making morning yesterday...followed by a phone call from John to say he was on his way to A & E because the blade on his angle grinder had snapped and cut his arm...I quickly did all my parcels and dropped them to the post office on the way to the hospital (luckily they are both within easy walking distance!) and sat with him whilst he waited....he's OK, quite a few steri-strips are holding him together underneath a BIG bandage, and there will be a scar...he's just happy that he didn't have the tattoo that he'd planned to have years ago because the cut would have ruined it!


  1. YIKES ... it could have been ghastly. Glad he is OK.

  2. Gasp - glad to hear he is okay, sounds pretty scary to me. Hope he heals up nice and quick.

  3. Scary stuff! Hope it heals quickly.

  4. oh my, how lucky was he, glad that its not too bad but i bet your heart jumped when he phoned x you all take extra care x helen x

  5. Oh no, hope he's OK. Plenty of TLC and he will be right as rain. Hugs xx

  6. ficaram muito fofos!!!
    amei... bom final de semana, fica na paz.

  7. Anonymous11:25 pm

    men and their toys!!!! hope he's doing good and is soon mended! just remind him that it's Post Offices which is your new game - not nurses!!!
    All the best,

  8. ohh scary!
    Glad to hear he is OK, I hope he is coming up with a better story for how he got his scar, ninja attack, shark bite...


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